Dreams… And Reality

WED., NOV. 28, 1984, 6:33 AM

This is an acceptable title, even though it needs explaining. Dreams and reality are apparent contrasts, and this is one way of discerning truth – in looking at the contrasts. At the same time, dreams are a form of realty, and reality can have certain dream-like qualities. Hear, o son, as We talk about this with which you have had such little and unsatisfactory experience.

The dream you just have experienced had the quality that you remember from most of your dreams that leave an after-impression. It had a hurry-up quality… a desire and a need to get somewhere, combined with some frustrations in being able to actually get there. In this dream there were airplanes, and they were either not going on time or they were having difficulty flying and were having to “crash land.” You were conscious of time, but that was not producing the travel goal that you had.

In your life the hurry-up quality has been more dominant than the laid-back, take-it-easy way of functioning. This has helped you achieve much of what you have achieved, and I have taken advantage of this quality, and used it for My purposes. In this sense I am not critical of the quality, but only of the feelings of frustration that finally hinder the production of quality work and service to Me. You don’t often feel the frustration that you can remember from the dream, even as you know that it is yet not foreign to you. You were being prevented from reaching your goal, and you have had few airline experiences like that. At the same time there was no crash and no physical disaster, and you have no actual memory of the crash landing, except in praying during the descent. It must not have been too traumatic, for the dream continued, and you felt no trauma nor no reluctance to fly again.

Take this to mean that I do watch over you and shall generally protect you from harm. Misfortunes that befall you are either just accidents of nature that I allow or carelessness on your part, and these can be growth experiences… and should be seen this way as soon as possible. Otherwise, for the immediate future, your life will have a few “crash landings” but these shall be like this one in the dream – frustration, but no real hurt.

Now… you know what reality is – sights and sounds and furniture and bills to be paid and students with bodies and minds and… Yet all of this is, finally, energy, and the essence of the energy that is in persons is spiritual. And that concept should have a dream-like quality to it. It would be some truly far-out dream to see all that is evident around you and in the vista before you as just energy. Also, the actions in the world are always some amalgam of natural functioning, the “free-willed” decisions and actions of certain people (even groups), and My influence and action. Can I really protect you? Of course. And as soon as I say that I am responsible for not protecting countless people who shall be hurt or become ill or die on this day. Shouldn’t that bring a frustrating feeling to Me, somewhat like yours in the dream?

No, for I am fully aware of how spiritual growth takes place… and I have a clear view of what happens after death in the earth. The majority of people live just about as long as they should, and just about as many live beyond what they should as are deprived of desired life. A long earth life is not what everyone should have.

WED., NOV. 28, 1984, 6:33 AM

This is an acceptable title, even though it needs explaining. Dreams and reality are apparent contrasts, and this is one way of discerning truth – in looking at the contrasts. At the same time, dreams are a form of realty, and reality can have certain dream-like qualities. Hear, o son, as We talk about this with which you have had such little and unsatisfactory experience.

The dream you just have experienced had the quality that you remember from most of your dreams that leave an after-impression. It had a hurry . . .

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