
MON., JUNE 4, 1984, 5:44 AM

Your resistance to this title was “as of old”… the resistance, in the early years of Our time together, that came from fear as to what I would say about a particular title. You have learned, I know, that any such fear is unmerited. If you need some correction, I shall offer it, with love and gentleness… and I shall be as positive as possible about issues such as this one. So hear, o son, as I speak to you of drinking.

The term fundamentally refers to the intake of fluid, and this is a vital behavior for life and health. As you know, you have an extra-ordinary need for the ingestion of fluids, and your fulfilling of this need is one small basis for your good health. Know that this “need” is a good one, and do not resist its general “call”.

You are reasonably good at not spending money for drinks when water is available… and you certainly are not one who clamors for sodas of various kinds. The major issue here is one of stewardship. The money you have is ultimately provided by Me, and I want you to spend it reasonably and with concern for others rather than for yourself. There are many needs in this earth, and although you are not rich you are certainly above average in income, and so I would have you give increasingly to causes beyond yourself. This is a small, but symbolic matter. Money spent on snacks or drinks usually represents selfishness, and I call upon you to resist this.

Then, of course, there is the matter of alcohol. You understand My perspective rather well, though I would have you, this day, reread the Ruminations you composed on this theme. I have not offered a Teaching on this important topic in some time, so hear some repetition and some fresh insights.

I say again that alcohol is one of My unique gifts… one that can enhance happiness and even joy, but can also be responsible for much misery and selfishness. In knew that it would have these varied effects. It is not fundamentally different in this regard than many of My other creations (including humans) and creations I have allowed humans to develop. Water, that most basic of fluids, can be dangerous in large and inappropriate amounts. Moderation does not always prevail in its distribution.

You are aware of the tendency you have to overdrink. It is not everpresent, but it is recurring. It is part physiological, and just a small part of your total being. It could be dangerous in any incident. Know this. It should be resisted, but with the knowledge that resistance itself can often result in more of what is being resisted. The more desirable response is substitution, and you do this, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. Substitute water or some other inexpensive liquid for the alcoholic beverage, in whole or in part. Or substitute some other activity for that of just drinking. Thus you shall avoid some accumulation that could be destructive.

MON., JUNE 4, 1984, 5:44 AM

Your resistance to this title was “as of old”… the resistance, in the early years of Our time together, that came from fear as to what I would say about a particular title. You have learned, I know, that any such fear is unmerited. If you need some correction, I shall offer it, with love and gentleness… and I shall be as positive as possible about issues such as this one. So hear, o son, as I speak to you of drinking.

The term fundamentally refers to the intake of . . .

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