Drugs… Again

FRI., NOV. 6, 1992, 5:59 AM

Since you are in the midst of yet another class dealing with those substances designated by My title I shall offer you, again, a Teaching, sharing some of My perceptions on this subjects. As you often indicate it is a word that is used in various ways. It can designate substances quite helpful to the restoration and maintenance of human health… to the relief of pain and discomfort… and then it shades into substances that have powerful effects on the mind and body. And many of these are illegal, an attempt to protect people from easy use.

Yours is a culture not satisfied with a “golden mean.” All of the candidates in this presidential election just past called for your country to be the greatest and best. You are concerned, as a culture, that progress isn’t constant, and that everyone doesn’t live better and better. I exaggerate here just a bit to make a point (like the camel through the eye of a needle). There is drug use, which is helpful, recreational, and/or just pleasantly different from normal reality. But out of use comes abuse, including the illegal production and trafficking, police and court actions, and jails insufficient to accommodate the relative few who use and abuse illegally. It is a war that your culture fights, about as effectively as Vietnam.

One reason is that it is a viable industry, which provides good to excellent income for many who work in it. The fact that expectations are high for what life should be, materially, stokes both the industry itself and the desire to “escape” the feelings and conditions of “not making it.” It could not continue if there weren’t sufficient people who desire the effects… or if there weren’t a continuous supply of substances.

Then there is the factor of dependence. As I have told you often I like and encourage certain dependencies such as the one you now are exhibiting. I like it when you feel the need to come and write what My Spirit says to yours. I like it when you feel a dependence on Me… when you feel happily compelled to participate in Sunday worship… in Wednesday Bible study. So dependence is a positive condition, under certain circumstances.

Yet the dependence on drugs can range from a dependence that sustains functioning and productivity to one that is harmful to the person and to the whole society. I am ultimately responsible, for I did create the human, a complex being, some of whom can become easily dependent. I also created some natural substances, like beverage alcohol, that can cause or bring on a harmful dependence. I also am responsible for human capacities to understand the chemistry of earth life sufficiently to produce more dependence–producing drugs. That for which I am not responsible, however, is the “industrialization” of the drug scene, so that quantities can be available in many forms, in many places.

A relatively few humans have “systems” that are almost certain to become dependent on some or several drug substances. The vast majority of humans can resist dependence or can turn these desires to other, more helpful means. Thus, the presence of drugs, other than those that are strictly therapeutic, is a challenge to each culture and to each human spirit. Be reminded that most do meet this challenge rather well. And, yes, some lives are lived more fully and more in relation with Me because of some trouble with drugs. Earth is a realm in which the spirit is challenged to grow, and the body and its reactions is a part of that challenge.

FRI., NOV. 6, 1992, 5:59 AM

Since you are in the midst of yet another class dealing with those substances designated by My title I shall offer you, again, a Teaching, sharing some of My perceptions on this subjects. As you often indicate it is a word that is used in various ways. It can designate substances quite helpful to the restoration and maintenance of human health… to the relief of pain and discomfort… and then it shades into substances that have powerful effects on the mind and body. And many of these are illegal, an attempt . . .

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