Drugs… Once Again

THURS., AUG. 24, 1995, 2:29 PM

You’re off to a good start in this course that you like, even as it is probably your “least favorite”. The introduction has been good, and now you get into alcohol and other actual substances. This is still one of My interests because of the use, non-use, and misuse of many of these substances do have an effect upon, and are affected by, spirit. And that, as you well know, is My domain.

You called your introduction of these an ecological perspective, and there is some truth in that, but now I want you to hear again, how I would have modified what you said.

Drug substances, including alcohol, are part of My created world. The fact that alcohol can be created rather simply from water, sugar, fruit or grain, and yeast was not a surprise to Me. It can help make a human’s heart glad, and I see it often as having this effect. I knew that eventually human ingenuity and knowledge of this physical/chemical world would produce a stronger, more concentrated form than would come from the natural process. I also knew that its production and sales would become a major industry… and that it would cause problems for some who misuse and abuse it. But I knew, from the “beginning” and in general, that virtually everything that I caused or allowed to be created would bring harm and suffering to some, for some period of time.

My greatest creation is the human person, starting as an infant. A few of these born are deformed as imperfect from the beginning, which can be painful to parents. Some of these, and some other more normal babies, are not wanted by parents, and from this lack of love may come behaviors harmful to others. For other reasons some adolescents cause pain to their parents, as some of yours did. Some adults, for many reasons and combinations thereof, lead lives of destruction, with and without drugs. Finally, some of the elderly, who have survived life’s joys and vicissitudes, end up as costly, non-functioning beings, very hard to love. Should I give up on this creation process because the “products” aren’t all perfect? Actually it is a perfect system… because I’ve created it. I know what is best for this whole human “scene”.

As illustrated in the article on Mickey, a poor example can motivate some to avoid such mistakes and live a cleaner, fuller life. A few individuals actually have returned to the earth to be a “bad example”, from which some others can grow spiritually and profit… somewhat like the role Judas was willing to play, in My life as Jesus.

The fact that human bodies produce chemical substances that modify mood and behavior suggests that such changes have some value. But shouldn’t these be enough? Everyone has a somewhat different balance, and the desire for more than you can naturally produce is not bad. I understand needs and wants. I appreciate moderation and sacrifice, but these aren’t My highest values. Consider Me as an example… am I always moderate, careful, and accepting of “how things are”? I like that affirmation: moderation in all things… including moderation. That has a nice both/and feel to it.

Then there are the licit, ethical drugs, developed continuously and feverishly to counter pain, discomfort, functional difficulties, and, even, death. Your culture puts more value on these than I do. There is much misuse of these, because your medical system is so geared to these. You behave, in relation to these, better than many folks, even good servants of Mine, do. You have some excesses, balanced by some other desirable non-uses. I am not more impressed by servants who piously don’t consume alcohol but take medications for conditions that could be dealt with in more natural ways.

THURS., AUG. 24, 1995, 2:29 PM

You’re off to a good start in this course that you like, even as it is probably your “least favorite”. The introduction has been good, and now you get into alcohol and other actual substances. This is still one of My interests because of the use, non-use, and misuse of many of these substances do have an effect upon, and are affected by, spirit. And that, as you well know, is My domain.

You called your introduction of these an ecological perspective, and there is some truth in . . .

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