Drugs… Yet Again

MON., SEPT. 11, 1989, 6:45 AM

You knew, o son, that I would be offering you some more comment on this issue, that is of interest to Me, the Holy Spirit. The discussion last evening was a good one for that group but it did not produce any startling conclusions for your eventual letter. You didn’t expect such, but there was always hope…

I affirm, of course, that this whole issue has a large spiritual component. What this amounts to, exactly, depends on how drugs are defined and circumscribed and how people are involved. Since the national concern seems to be on the whole issue of illicit drugs, especially cocaine and crack, let Me comment on this first.

This drug, in any form, is a stimulant, and its effect can be a stimulus to spirit or a stimulus to behaviors that counter the efforts of spirit. Specifically, if a called servant of Mine took some of this drug it could increase the zeal for serving Me… the energy for speaking or acting as I direct. It would be chemical production of the heightened feelings that can come from a rousing positive revival meeting… or some other service or meeting which is a true stimulus to do something about your faith. This is an unlikely event in the scene about which the nation is concerned, but it is a possibility.

The more likely effect in this present time, is a stimulus to criminal activity or to violence that is harmful to self and others. When a user has a spirit that is not well developed the cocaine can stimulate emotions of anger, envy, hate, revenge that can bring forth exaggerated actions. What a person actively does under the influence of the drug is very much affected by the power of that person’s spirit. And this power, of course, is directly related to relationship with Me.

There is power in group activity. As I “set up” the human condition here in the earth I caused this to develop. And yet I knew that, given My “arrangement” for spiritual growth, the power could be used for good or for ill. A group of Christians, banded together for some positive cause, can be a powerful force, multiplying the effects of any individual. Unfortunately, the same power can be evident when the enterprise is obtaining and selling drugs. In this culture money, for what it can buy, can be a powerful stimulant. Cocaine sells for good money. Those who sell it “earn” this money. As they sell more, they make more. It can be used for a personal supply of drugs… or for other positive or sinful uses. This can happen best with a well organized group. Ironically, that group is most effective if it develops a spirit in what it is doing… even though that spirit may lead it to actions counter to My desires. Remember that this is the earth where any powerful force, even spirit, can be utilized for or against what I see as “the good.”

When the church is a spiritual fellowship, and when people feel that spirit as they are part of it this is a positive force against the power of drugs. When a fellowship can welcome in newcomers without losing the power to influence its long time members it has power. When a fellowship can forgive the misdeeds of some without losing its “standards” and sense of mission it has power.

MON., SEPT. 11, 1989, 6:45 AM

You knew, o son, that I would be offering you some more comment on this issue, that is of interest to Me, the Holy Spirit. The discussion last evening was a good one for that group but it did not produce any startling conclusions for your eventual letter. You didn’t expect such, but there was always hope…

I affirm, of course, that this whole issue has a large spiritual component. What this amounts to, exactly, depends on how drugs are defined and circumscribed and how people are involved. Since the . . .

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