Drunken Behavior

SAT., FEB. 22, 1986, 6:25 AM

The dream you experienced last this morning was a vivid one, and the behavior, which you realized was drunken in nature, was memorably troublesome. You really did not want to write on this theme, but you felt that I was pushing for this. Let’s just say this is the title for the morn’s meditation, and I, the Holy Spirit, have enough to say about it to fill these pages. You have no doubts about this, o son.

The drunken behavior in your dream was irresponsible and clumsy. You broke a piece of china through clumsiness and lack of caution. Your immediate motivation was to mend it, and this is positively responsible, and you have repaired and continued to use china and pottery that have been mended. I like the use of mended vessels, for I do a lot of mending in lives, and I encourage much more… and mended lives are often better than those relatively unbroken.

Yet you saw that the pieces were too numerous, and as you handled the whole it seemed to become even more broken. You wanted to be responsible, but the clumsy breaking had taken place. You then were inclined to leave the broken vessel, assuming no responsibility for it. You were not aware of the owner. In your drunkenness you could envision no responsible conclusion.

Then came the second clumsy, irresponsible act, the hurling of the round cake toward the dumpster, but going beyond that into, apparently, some people. Your immediate inclination was to not take responsibility for such a dumb behavior. It could not be explained, yet you knew an investigation would be coming. Your distress broke the dream, and you were awake with the event still vivid.

As you reflected on the memory of the dream you felt alone and friendless, and this is not the way you feel in conscious life. Your days are full, your behavior is basically responsible, and you have many friends and friendly relationships. You were not aware of Me in the dream, and in your life now I am a constant, major factor. Your experience a conflict, and you prefer the “real” life to that of the dream. This is one of the values of dreams such as this – the encouragement of awareness and appreciation of life as you have it, in companionship with me.

As I have told you, drunken behavior is revealing behavior. This behavior, in the dream, revealed ways you could behave, which can make you more conscious of these possibilities and more willing and able to respond in more responsible, even less clumsy ways. You have never had an experience like the one in your dream. But you have been in a drunken state, and such were possible. Would you act otherwise? You hope so… and so do I.

If you were creating a dream featuring drunken behavior, what would it be? In it you would be friendly, courteous, generous, and overly willing to help others, even if it meant harm to yourself. Would such behavior be commendable, even if it were drunken? When motivations are toward the good of others, toward friendly relationships, and toward selflessness, the behaviors are from the spirit and are welcomed, even if they be a bit clumsy.

SAT., FEB. 22, 1986, 6:25 AM

The dream you experienced last this morning was a vivid one, and the behavior, which you realized was drunken in nature, was memorably troublesome. You really did not want to write on this theme, but you felt that I was pushing for this. Let’s just say this is the title for the morn’s meditation, and I, the Holy Spirit, have enough to say about it to fill these pages. You have no doubts about this, o son.

The drunken behavior in your dream was irresponsible and clumsy. You broke . . .

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