
NOV. 8, 1981, 6:42 AM

The day dawns beautifully, but the subject of today’s meditation is not of comparable beauty. It is of professional interest, but it also is of personal interest, o son, for your drinking has led to drunkenness too often of late. A teaching seems necessary… for the sake of both interests.

Drunkenness is a state of helplessness. It has few merits, but one of these is that it provides a reason for others to help… and helping others is a basic spiritual exercise. However, when you are the one in the state of helplessness your spirit loses opportunities for service. There can still be the desire to help, but the performance may be inadequate… or even dangerous.

In drunkenness you lose control of self, for the rational mind is most affected and the influence of the rational mind is an important part of good life rhythm. True, the spirit is not diminished… only revealed… but though this is interesting as a revelation it is not a desirable state to be repeatedly.

The application to you can have last night as a focus, of course, but, as you know, it goes beyond one incident. A pattern of helplessness is developing which can hinder your service to Me, and this makes the pattern undesirable, whatever it may be. I have told you that you need not be “good” to be My servant… only faithful. That is true, and there are a few drunken souls who do serve Me well, but it is not so with you. I need more of you than your willingness to meditate with Me. Some change of pattern is important, and I recommend a careful consideration.

Be reasonable. Do not give up what is not necessary, but be honest in assessing yourself. Seek a remedy that deals with the difficulty and then apply it with the intemperance which is part of your nature.

Drunkenness in a person of your age and position and spiritual accomplishment often is a sign of a change in body tolerance. There is nothing shameful about this. It would only be shameful if you failed to recognize it or to do something about it when it is acknowledged. Physical bodies have their weaknesses, but the proper application of mind and spirit can turn any weakness into a valuable means, even before the weakness brings some harm.

NOV. 8, 1981, 6:42 AM

The day dawns beautifully, but the subject of today’s meditation is not of comparable beauty. It is of professional interest, but it also is of personal interest, o son, for your drinking has led to drunkenness too often of late. A teaching seems necessary… for the sake of both interests.

Drunkenness is a state of helplessness. It has few merits, but one of these is that it provides a reason for others to help… and helping others is a basic spiritual exercise. However, when you are the one in the state . . .

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