Duane’s Sermon

TUES., JULY 28, 1981, 6:25 AM

You are unnecessarily reluctant, o son, to write this as your title and theme. I led you to these passages, and now I have something to say that may bolster your “case” as you talk with your pastor and friend.

His sermon, based mostly on Ecclesiastes, was a truthful one. He focused on a point that I have stressed with you in these morning meditations – there just is no true or single way… or technique… to proper relationship with Me. As soon as someone says he has it… beware. Let Me illustrate rather strongly.

The Bible is Holy Scripture to you Protestant Christians. Good. The Bible is the only true guide to faith and life. Good. But don’t take that “only” too seriously… or make it exclusive. I shall say again what I have taught you many times: I am revealed by the Scriptures, but I am not bound by them. I am the Holy Spirit working in the world and in the lives of people, of both sexes, rich and poor and in-between, confident and shy, Western and non-Western. I basically work in concert with the Scripture, but now and again I act in some fashion that is hard to identify as Scriptural… even may seem to contradict Scripture. Remember that Scripture is a guide, not a god. I am the Final Word, not Scripture. The person who says “I’ll believe it only if it agrees completely with Scripture” is giving Scripture more authority than it deserves. The first Commandment says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.” I am the Living God, working in the 20th century world. To bind Me to the Scriptures (or, actually, any one’s interpretation of these Holy Words) may be creating a god. I still say No to that.

I, the Holy Spirit, am a presence, not a technique. You say it truly when you explain that you may bring a concern of yours to Me… or a concern someone else has… but I may or may not respond This is no automatic faucet from whence poureth answers to practical human problems. I, the Holy Spirit, am your Teacher. I offer you what you need to know, and I may well respond to an honest need or yearning in your spirit, but I do not respond automatically. You do not have access to a technique. You have contact with the Living Spirit of the Lord God. That’s all.

When a spirit is strong, well-developed, and in tune with Mine it is open to revelations of truth, wherever they may be found. The danger, of course, is in being too open, susceptible to error presented as truth. But the antidote to that… caution and reservation… is even more dangerous, for it may cause you to turn away from truth of Mine, just because it is not in the familiar package. Leave it to Me to help you discern. There is no one better.

TUES., JULY 28, 1981, 6:25 AM

You are unnecessarily reluctant, o son, to write this as your title and theme. I led you to these passages, and now I have something to say that may bolster your “case” as you talk with your pastor and friend.

His sermon, based mostly on Ecclesiastes, was a truthful one. He focused on a point that I have stressed with you in these morning meditations – there just is no true or single way… or technique… to proper relationship with Me. As soon as someone says he has it… beware. Let Me . . .

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