Dubos, Warming, And Winter

SAT., JAN. 6, 1996, 7:25 AM

It is the cold and white of winter as you come to Me in an almost cold study, with the wind whistling as it finds places in the not-quite closed windows to enter. In past years I have urged you to feel appreciation for this season, and you have, in some ways. The barren trees have a beauty to them. The snow-covered ground also is scenic. You do honestly appreciate the fire in the fireplace, and, also, the finding, cutting, and splitting of the wood. You have affirmed that you like the 4 seasons, that are just about equal in length here. This is winter. Appreciate it as a balance to other more pleasant and more productive seasons.

It is slightly ironic that you read again yesterday about global warming and its inexorable development from the increased burning of fossil fuels. More industrial production, more automobiles, more world-wide emulation of your culture, and more destruction of forests… all mean more “greenhouse” gases and a warming of the earth. As with any changes in an earth as populated by humans as this one is, some will benefit and some will be harmed. Just consider that some are harmed by present conditions. As these change, some of that harm will recede and some will increase. This is the natural working of the earth scene I have created. It did not just evolve, though evolution is one of My creative gifts to earth life. Those that are most fit survive. Those that are most adaptable are the most fit.

Every human born into this earth is loved by Me, but is not necessarily destined for a long, happy, healthy life. There are many types of spiritual challenges in earth life. Some I have designed. Some just happen. Winter is a challenge to some. There are accidents, injuries, and deaths because of winter conditions. Some people have low tolerance for cold, and when there is insufficient warmth they suffer. Yet because there is the cold of winter in some regions, those who live in warmer climes can prosper with food production… even tourism. Balancing is a fundamental need in My earth.

You finally are reviewing and may actually have printed your good paper that organizes the writings of Rene Dubos around two of your Wellsprings. I’m pleased that this may finally be in a readable form. Yes, I did have some part in letting him be an early influence on your professional thinking. He influenced your ecological thinking and the need for adaptation in healthy living. You also see, in your re-reading of your writing that his appreciation of spirit in places and in human activities became part of both of the Wellsprings on which you focus… and continue on now.

Dubos was not a called and direct servant of Mine. He certainly knew of Me, but his life work was laboratory science, which, typically, does not include Me. I didn’t lead him in his writing, as I do you. It was good for you, and for some others, including some students introduced to him by you. And yet his books are mostly out of print, the fate of most authors in your culture, where “new is better”. Accept his influence as a gift from Me, a good example of My adaptability.

SAT., JAN. 6, 1996, 7:25 AM

It is the cold and white of winter as you come to Me in an almost cold study, with the wind whistling as it finds places in the not-quite closed windows to enter. In past years I have urged you to feel appreciation for this season, and you have, in some ways. The barren trees have a beauty to them. The snow-covered ground also is scenic. You do honestly appreciate the fire in the fireplace, and, also, the finding, cutting, and splitting of the wood. You have affirmed that . . .

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