Dying… A Story

SAT., DEC. 11, 1993, 7:18 AM

It was a powerful portrayal of dying with unfinished business. And, of course, I have to be critical of the portrayal because My role was such a minor one… being prayed to as the first star. It was a picture of life going on when death is imminent… of trying to get as much as possible from life and leaving as much of self as possible, but not looking ahead to what shall come next.

Cancer is a major cause of death in your culture. It shall continue to be as more and more new chemicals and combinations of chemicals become part of your environment… and therefore materials to which bodies must adapt. It is generally assumed that I am in favor of… even have helped in the creation of the “good” chemicals, those that mostly benefit human life. I tell you that I mostly stay away from chemical processes, for they generally will eventually produce as much or more harm than good. They are a major cause of cancer, when a body can’t make the life-sustaining adaptations to them… when, instead, the adaptation is cancer cells.

This wasn’t part of the story, even as the cancer did develop in Los Angeles, an area of much pollution, just the result of high entropy activity by many people. There was more suggestion that a cause was hate and anger, held inside from childhood… and that it could have come from the drive this produced to succeed in a purposeful, competition occupation.

Even when this desire to succeed was applied to being healed it could succeed only for a rather short time. I would emphasize, however, that Bob’s extension of earth life came because he was beginning to deal positively with his hateful, angry thoughts about his parents, particularly his father… as he was becoming a father himself. The love that came naturally for the perfect little boy that was his son helped overcome the negative emotions that were “feeding” the cancer.

In My first sentence I used the term with which you are familiar – unfinished business. In this usage it refers to thoughts and behaviors in the dying process. The fact that Bob was dying, after numerous “opinions,” was a powerful spur to let love overcome hate and anger. Without the imminence of death he could have lived years longer, estranged from his family of origin. The closeness of death can bring about changes that make what is left of earth life happier… and can bring persons closer to Me, even as they don’t recognize this. Death is a very important part of life, a difficult concept to put across in your secular culture, so influenced by the medical desire to prolong bodily life… forever.

The “miles” of videotapes Bob was making stand as a symbol of wanting to be remembered. He wanted to be remembered as he directed, applying his public relations talents to the task. Pictures can be powerful, and so he was leaving more of himself, to be seen and heard, than people in the past could… and than most folks now will. He wanted desperately to be remembered, which emphasized his focus on this life, rather than an increasing interest in what is coming next.

SAT., DEC. 11, 1993, 7:18 AM

It was a powerful portrayal of dying with unfinished business. And, of course, I have to be critical of the portrayal because My role was such a minor one… being prayed to as the first star. It was a picture of life going on when death is imminent… of trying to get as much as possible from life and leaving as much of self as possible, but not looking ahead to what shall come next.

Cancer is a major cause of death in your culture. It shall continue to be as . . .

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