Early Morning Spirit

FRI., MAY 4, 1990, 6:40 AM

Though I allow you some leeway in the time and place for receiving these Teachings, you know that My preference is for this to be early morning. This morning, in classic fashion, you awoke, arose, and are here, without doing anything else. Just as I desire your offering to My Church to be the first check you write each month, so do I want your attention this first waking hour.

In proportion to all of your waking time what you set aside for these Teachings is a mite, just as your offering is. So, as you will advise today, realize that when you offer your mite do so with a happy heart and a smile. This is a privilege that few have. Don’t think about how else you could be using the time. Just glory that you are here, writing down what I would have you learn as this day commences.

You are one who gives out of your abundance. And hear again, o son, that I have given you this abundance, in money and in time. Though it is not a miracle, per se, I have led you to your present position and have helped you succeed, so that you now are paid well, considering your needs and wants. In appreciation I want you to give to the Church and to other causes that represent people in need or help for other life forms, including My earth. Feel pleasure as you give your mite. It is more than two coins, but I want it given with a joyous spirit.

You also are privileged to be paid well for a job in which you have much control over your use of time. On most mornings you can give Me this first hour without conflict. Other responsibilities are not crowded out. You do not have to be doing other things. So give this time to Me and My Teaching in the same spirit of joy. You are giving back to Me only a mite of what I have given you.

Let Me guide you in selecting the Teachings that can be the basis for the early morning meditations at Synod School this summer. I shall guide you to a theme, for which you shall find Teachings already presented… or I shall offer you new ones just for this occasion. The theme for the year lends itself to this approach… Be still and know… In the stillness of early morning you come to hear… but ultimately to know. You know that you are hearing Me, the Holy Spirit. You know that what I tell you is knowledge, even wisdom, for you. This is not a belief, for I will not allow you to consider some other belief. When you doubt, as you sometimes do, I come to reinforce your knowledge.

Still I shall allow you to present this to the early morning group with humility and meekness. You are not to be set up as some important Christian prophet. You have a small gift, for, yes, I give to you out of My abundance, which is beyond measure. And I do it with a smile. Just accept that this year’s Synod School opportunity shall be comparable to the teaching role. It is more of a mite, but accept it, and go with it! I shall help.

So you see that this style of life that you now enjoy has evolved “naturally,” but with My definite guidance. You have made some decisions, and you have put yourself into your work so I didn’t have to resort to miracles. But I have been involved, so that this early morning hour is Mine to have, and you can complement My offer of knowledge with your offer of time.

I do feel some disappointment that you do not always carry the spirit that I energize in this early morning time over into your regular activities. You hear Me, and you write. You often thank Me for what I have given you, in words, in ideas, in knowledge. And then “real life” comes flooding back in, and you often seem unable to apply to the day what you have received so willingly in this first hour. Yet I am patient. You continue to grow in spirit and in confidence about thee and Me.

FRI., MAY 4, 1990, 6:40 AM

Though I allow you some leeway in the time and place for receiving these Teachings, you know that My preference is for this to be early morning. This morning, in classic fashion, you awoke, arose, and are here, without doing anything else. Just as I desire your offering to My Church to be the first check you write each month, so do I want your attention this first waking hour.

In proportion to all of your waking time what you set aside for these Teachings is a mite, just as your . . .

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