Earth… As I Want It To Be

WED., DEC. 20, 1995, 11:14 AM

It is quite easy to find readings that push toward feelings of despair in regard to your culture, the total earth, and this present time. I will not say that every action and reaction is just as I want it. Oh, I could “rule” this way, and I do in some other realms, but I let many events occur here which are not My direct will. Yet I have an incredible sense of how certain happenings will turn out. I do not micromanage the earth. I have the power to cause, to alter, to radically change. I rarely use this power.

I have led you into a kind of specialty… teaching about death, as a vital part of the life process. You have done reasonably well with this, and I want you to do even better in the classes you still will conduct. One reason for this leading (one I want you to emphasize more) is to allay the extreme sense that death is “the worst thing that can happen” and that preventing deaths is the most highly valued service.

Going back to My message in the first paragraph, above, I’ll say that I have allowed the development of scientific, technological medicine, with an allopathic philosophy. Organisms, diseases, and malfunctions are bad, evil, enemies, and they must be combatted, vigorously. Since death is seen as the worst failure of this system those medical personnel who seem to have the greatest capacity to ward off the death of their patients are highly valued and highly paid. The push for more equipment, more means to “practice” aggressive, combative medicine. Costs of care continue to go up, because there are ever new, “improved” means to diagnose and treat.

As I have told you repeatedly this system is part of a larger one that prizes more production, of almost anything, and which produces increasing amounts of waste. I have some reasons for allowing all of this to happen, but I cannot let it proceed to ecological disaster. So one important “preface” to some global shifting (which will be particularly hard for yours and other Western cultures) is this greater acceptance of death as a necessary element in good community… and even personal… health.

The minor “movements” of which I approve are hospice care, living wills and durable powers of attorney, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. If these influences continue to grow will there be some excesses and misuses? Of course, for no earth system works perfectly, even the natural ones. (Water is necessary, but excessive rains and floods cause deaths, suffering, and destruction of property. Why can’t I make it rain, “just right”?) And… there are excesses and misuses in keeping some people alive and in making the last portion of earth lives miserable by continued treatment. So, what you’re doing in your teaching is important to shifts that must come in the balance of life, here in the earth.

The death education class is the most obvious way in which you can encourage this view, but I also want you to have it come forth in your other classes. This won’t be hard for you to implement. Just know that I’m encouraging this… by emphasizing both the ecological and the spiritual dimensions to health.

The earth is meant to be a competitive realm. My interpretation, to you, of the Eden story illustrates this. Originally there was no competition. There was no force but Me. There was no reason to “disobey” My directions, even prohibitions. So I introduced that first factor, the talking serpent. Later I engendered competition between Cain and Abel… then between Jacob and Esau… Saul and David… Myself, as Jesus, and the Pharisees. Now there is a wide range of interpretation of My Way in Christianity… and there is Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other less well-known ways of seeing Me.

WED., DEC. 20, 1995, 11:14 AM

It is quite easy to find readings that push toward feelings of despair in regard to your culture, the total earth, and this present time. I will not say that every action and reaction is just as I want it. Oh, I could “rule” this way, and I do in some other realms, but I let many events occur here which are not My direct will. Yet I have an incredible sense of how certain happenings will turn out. I do not micromanage the earth. I have the power to cause . . .

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