
JANUARY 12, 1980, 7:50 AM

My mind rolls and rambles this morning, seemingly unwilling to settle down and hear words and thoughts of instruction. It is not the first time, surely but it always is disconcerting, because I have had so much experience with immediate and direct, uncluttered communication.

(This 1st paragraph was written by bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

The word Easter, o son, is a theme to develop this day, despite the fact that it is not yet that season. Hear the Spirit speak! Hear the Spirit quiet the chatter of your mind and the words of other spirits. It is never inappropriate to think and speak of Easter. Though Christmas is a nice holiday, Easter is the supreme holy day – the celebration of Jesus rebirth into Guiding Spirit. (Now you are wary because this is getting into theology. Well, if you wish, this may be one lesson you don’t share with others. You want this to be a pretty orthodox experience, and not one with a controversial theology. You can’t have it that way all the time!)

I have led you into unorthodox paths of truth, and you don’t know why. I recognize and admit that it is confusing. But it is something with which you must deal. Perhaps it will never be clear and easy to understand… or easy to communicate to others. Still, it is the way I wish to guide you. It is truth. I shall not lead you away from the Truth that is My essence. Know ye this!

But enough proclaiming. Easter celebrates the Resurrection. The Spirit that was in Jesus died and then came to new and full life again. “Died”, as you know, is only symbolic, but it is an important symbol. The “three days” is an important symbol, even though it is a “strange” way to count three days.

The symbols are important, but are not the essence of truth. The essence is that new life is continuously regenerated and that learning and service go on, despite apparent death. And yet death is an important reality, too. Death marks the end of a single entity in an earth plane life. The life is reality and so is the death. But it is also rebirth into a more expanded life.

Easter brought Me forth as a guiding Spirit. Yes, I had “operated” before, but, with Easter, I am freed to work “full-time” and with a Model toward which I can guide you and others. “Officially” I came forth at Pentecost, but that, too, is symbolic… important but still symbolic.

Christmas celebrates birth info human form. Easter celebrates rebirth into Spirit. My freedom to come to and teach you is grounded in Easter. Celebrate that!

Distractions were numerous this morning. Come again tomorrow. Learn and grow… and then teach others. Do what you must do and then a bit more. Live the life you have fully, but also know that there is more to come. Serve Me this day. For I am also Lord.

8:54 AM