Easter Morn

SUN., APR. 15, 1990, 5:50 AM

It was your purpose to arise early enough on this Easter morn to commence it with a Teaching from Me, your friendly, ever-ready Holy Spirit. And, with My help, here you are… and you are a bit surprised at My rollicking attitude. Easter is a day of Joy, and I want you to feel that, even in these pre-dawn moments.

You know the stories well, though you really should review them for details. Yes, do it now. ( 5:57 / 6:02 ) The details are slightly different, but the basic story is that early on Easter morning, the first day of the week, after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and one or more other women went to the tomb, found the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty. John’s story has details of the discarded linen and of My conversation with Mary, but the fundamental affirmation is – He is risen; He is not here. He suffered death and was entombed, but death cannot hold Him. Even His body is gone, just to symbolize the completeness of the resurrection.

No other human, including you, shall experience that completeness of resurrection. That was the perfect commencement of the Easter morn. With all others the body remains in the old form, while the spiritual body departs. The spiritual body can be like the physical body or it can be “perfected”… without aging and disability. The spiritual body thus need not maintain any defects that had developed. As Jesus I had not aged into defects, and it was important to retain the nail holes and the wound in My side. If there are abnormalities you want to keep, as a kind of identification this is possible, but not desirable.

You see, spirits recognize each other without the necessity of physical traits. In spirit form you shall be Bob Russell… and much more. You shall experience reunion with friends and relatives who have preceded you in death, but, more importantly, with other spirits who are on paths similar to yours but who are not part of your present life. Harken to this analogy: you have many personal and professional friends, but among these are the “special ones” who receive, and presumably read, your Ruminations. You see these as the “special ones” even as you are not sure how close each is to you.

The sun appears to rise, and it could be a day warm with sunshine. You have experienced the advent of this day, not possible on all Easter morns. Consider it as a special day, all the way through, even though the Scriptural events are mostly in this early time. Do not try to be extra holy, but do strive to be attentive to the Day and appreciative of all that you experience. Be gregarious this morning, as you feel comfortable in being. Plant some plants and seeds this day, as a symbol of the new life it promises.

The sun now shall be covered by a cloud, with its brilliance diminished. So it is on many days that commence for you with a Teaching from Me. The spiritual brilliance is as the sun as it first was, but then come the clouds of earth life, and the brilliance fades… even disappears. But as you see that the sun shall emerge in some short time today, so spirit shall be manifest more fully in the events of the day.

You are a fortunate human, and you realize this, rather fully. You have no real worries about dying, for you have internalyzed the Easter message quite well. Life continues. It is finished only in superficial terms. Your positive attitude toward life is a factor in longevity. Your life here on this Farm is another. Your writing is another, a factor which is not often mentioned. Your friend and Mine, Rene, lived longer than his body and his place of work and residence deserved because he continued to write. So must you, for, for you, this is a regular renewal of life.

SUN., APR. 15, 1990, 5:50 AM

It was your purpose to arise early enough on this Easter morn to commence it with a Teaching from Me, your friendly, ever-ready Holy Spirit. And, with My help, here you are… and you are a bit surprised at My rollicking attitude. Easter is a day of Joy, and I want you to feel that, even in these pre-dawn moments.

You know the stories well, though you really should review them for details. Yes, do it now. ( 5:57 / 6:02 ) The details are slightly different, but the basic . . .

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