“Easy Does It?!”

MON., MAR. 22, 1999, 2:12 PM

In this comfortable segment of your earth life, what is your best “attitude”? Before I answer this apparent question, remember that I love diversity, and this includes individual lives, and that one of the prime characteristics of being healthy is capacities to adapt… change… reassess and react. Hence, I’ll respond to My question with the assertion that there is no one ideal “attitude”… or approach to life.

In your life you were, for many years, a fine competitor. “Easy does it” was not your motto when you ran for student council… became an athlete (and even a co-captain), excelled in track (relatively), headed Comus Club, Phi Psi, and even your NROTC Battalion, became head coach in two sports, competed and “won” Lenore… earned your doctorate in a short time, edited a journal, published sufficiently… and on…

As you told the “Simplicity folks” today, you never aspired for leadership positions of the administrative sort in your field, but you were a fairly avid professional in other ways. Oh, you certainly had times of rest and relaxation, but there nearly always was a list… or recollections of what you should be doing and some amount of guilt for tasks neglected or late in accomplishment.

You know that in this second year of your Emeritus status you still are feeling such pressures and aware of tasks not completed… or even started. When I mesh this with your age-related slowness and loss of capacities you enjoyed in younger years I still see too much tension, pressure, and frustrations that you too often experience.

When you must deal with insurance matters, as you did this morning you are reminded of your mortality… of various ways you could give up this good earth life of yours and return to spirit realms. You’ve internalized, rather well, what I have told you… that you are close to a time when you shouldn’t seek invasive medical procedures in order to continue life here. This is certainly nothing to worry about or try to avoid, for it, sometimes called “death,” is more truly a rebirth… and, for you, a return to familiar spirit life.

So, increasingly appreciate “Easy does it!” as an appropriate slogan for how life should be for you, now and “for the rest…” Enjoy what you do, whether it is your choice or a task offered by others. Even as you come in this familiar way to hear Me in a Teaching, don’t see this as something you “have to do,” but as a wonderful, unique experience in hearing Me, Holy Spirit, advise you on life or help you understand the events therein.

My major advice still applies, “after all these years” – whatever you do, do for Me, and leave the consequences to Me. This can have applicability at any age, but it is particularly appropriate for you now, at your age. You have little need to be a competitor, from now on. Dedicate what you do to Me, and then listen for My evaluations and suggestions. Be as little bothered by criticisms as possible. If you get a few barbs, consider how much flak I get, even from good servants.

You can conjure up a goal… or several goals for a day… or longer. Accomplish what you can with a merry heart and the assurance that rarely (truly!) is any action or inaction of vital importance to ongoing life. Sometimes it really is better to “put off till tomorrow what you could do today.” Re-read, more often than you do, these Teachings, and you’ll realize that this message of today has been offered for years, in many forms, but is now fully relevant for this phase of your earth life.

MON., MAR. 22, 1999, 2:12 PM

In this comfortable segment of your earth life, what is your best “attitude”? Before I answer this apparent question, remember that I love diversity, and this includes individual lives, and that one of the prime characteristics of being healthy is capacities to adapt… change… reassess and react. Hence, I’ll respond to My question with the assertion that there is no one ideal “attitude”… or approach to life.

In your life you were, for many years, a fine competitor. “Easy does it” was not your motto when you ran for student . . .

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