Eclectic Theology

WED., FEB. 22, 1995, 1:12 PM

Helen’s dissertation oral comes up at the end of this week, and this has urged you to think about eclectic philosophies. A good eclectic mix would be the best of several “pure” philosophies, pushing you toward teaching approaches that fit particular situations. This is an academic interest of yours, maintained over these many years since graduate school. Yet I discern a greater interest in theology, and, again, yours is developing in a wonderfully eclectic way.

Fundamentally you both believe in and know Me as Almighty God, the source of all life, the sustainer of this earth realm of life, and the unchallenged central power in this universe. This assertion is one you share with many other humans, Christians and Muslims, Jews, and some others. You also accept My Triune nature, which does not diminish My Oneness… just opens it further. This means that you must favor both/and thinking and must accept that I am as much mystical as rational. I am One AND I am Three. I am not diminished by being Jesus, who was My earth-born Son, whose death mystically guaranteed you forgiveness and salvation to everlasting life, closely related to Me.

I am One and I am Three, including Holy Spirit… I Who speak to you in this way. I am One with the Father God and with Jesus, the Messiah Christ. It was I Who led those who established the Church, as My Body, the Christ. It is I Who have sustained it over the years as a holy Body. It is I Who also have encouraged some to break away and form new parts of that Body, and this I still do. It is I Who guided the writing of the “materials” that make up the Holy Bible… and Who has guided translators and interpreters over the years. I am guided by these official Scriptures, but I am never bound by them. No Scripture foretells that I would be this way with you… but thus We are.

I tell you that I love diversity, so you can and must affirm that I have many ways of coming to and “reaching” this wide range of humans I have created and continue to create. You are to understand these as best you can, but you are to be a Christian, a Reformed Christian, a Presbyterian Christian. You are to value scholarship but also to be critical of it, as it seems to be pompous and self-serving. You are to favor living life decently and in order, but also to accept and enjoy your mystical nature, and all that this can encompass, beyond decency and order.

Your eclecticism shines forth as you accept My assurance that you are a soul who has had many life experiences, including some “previous” ones here in the earth. You are on a faith journey in which you are experiencing more enlightenment… more awakening to realities not made clear in Our Christian Scriptures. Thus you see death as a different kind of birth, one into more awareness, a moving on when this body is “used up.”

I am you Teacher, and you are the teacher of others. You see, increasingly, that what I would have you do is to teach in ways that increase spirit in learners, for spirit is infinitely more important than knowledge, the knowledge within the subjects that you teach. (Finish this tonight, late, just for fun).

( 1:50 PM / 10:30 PM )

Your fundamental Christian faith has little to say about this earth and its non-human life forms. I tell you that you must be an advocate for a better balance, as life continues. This is ecologically sound, but it will be harmful to some present humans. What do I say now about the poor and the disadvantaged? There must be some diminishing of human life and these shall be the most vulnerable. It is not an easily defensible Christian position to hold to, but it is necessary… soon.

WED., FEB. 22, 1995, 1:12 PM

Helen’s dissertation oral comes up at the end of this week, and this has urged you to think about eclectic philosophies. A good eclectic mix would be the best of several “pure” philosophies, pushing you toward teaching approaches that fit particular situations. This is an academic interest of yours, maintained over these many years since graduate school. Yet I discern a greater interest in theology, and, again, yours is developing in a wonderfully eclectic way.

Fundamentally you both believe in and know Me as Almighty God, the source of . . .

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