Ecological Balance

THURS., JAN. 21, 1988, 7:00 AM

Yes, o son, this shall be the theme of your next Ruminations, and this shall be of assistance in developing your sabbatical project. You should do the Ruminations before you start on the other. Such would be the proper order. You shall use mostly Teachings that I have given you since the letter you composed dealing with the environment. This one shall be similar, but you will see that it will complement, not repeat or compete.

The central theme will be that I, as the Lord God and Creator, have created all forms of life, and that I desire a balance of these life forms rather than dominance by the human form. Without your mind and spirit you would be just another creature, adapting and competing in a very average way. With mind and spirit humans have a good edge on other life forms, but, with this, the responsibility to help maintain a favorable balance, not just advantage for self.

I realize this is difficult when actual choices get down to human lives, even babies and children. Why do I create or allow creation when each created form will not live to a ripe old age? Because variable deaths are the best balance for earth life, and, in general, this is My creation scheme. Obviously Western humans do not agree with this sort of balance, favoring the survival of every human, and this into old age… even beyond.

The means for doing such miracles are truly wonderful, and in one sense I am proud of those who design and create the machines, medications, and practices that make life-saving possible. In another sense these are means of going beyond what I want for humans in the big picture of the earth. Eventually you must realize that death is an important part of the creative scheme, and thwarting this, while seeming noble in individual cases, is a denial of My plan for the earth.

Now you can see, even here on your small place, that the natural elements often compete wildly with one another, and you can help to achieve a better balance than would come just “in nature.” The water that falls from the sky to water the earth so that plant life might grow can wash away land, making it less functional and more ugly. Excess water must flow from your pond, and it does so with a viciousness toward the grass and earth that strive to moderate its flow. If you do work soon you can prevent further damage and help balance the conflict between flowing water and earth.

You also can see the holes developing in your road. You know that water and road usage has caused a build-up of rock down near the road’s end. Thus, with some physical work you can help restore the balance, making the road more usable and better looking. When you are a steward for such a part of My creation you must fulfill the responsibilities of that stewardship.

You see a small creature in the tree outside. Ah, two creatures… and obviously they are using the aging and rotting of the tree as a form of shelter. The tree is still alive, but the portion of it that is dying provides benefits to these squirrels that the fully live tree would not. If the tree died completely and were cut down these creatures would have to look elsewhere for shelter. The balance would be upset. And yet that fallen tree could provide much warm as its substance would be burned in your home. The ashes would be returned to the earth, and again balance would be improved, as new trees would grow.

THURS., JAN. 21, 1988, 7:00 AM

Yes, o son, this shall be the theme of your next Ruminations, and this shall be of assistance in developing your sabbatical project. You should do the Ruminations before you start on the other. Such would be the proper order. You shall use mostly Teachings that I have given you since the letter you composed dealing with the environment. This one shall be similar, but you will see that it will complement, not repeat or compete.

The central theme will be that I, as the Lord God and Creator, have created . . .

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