Ecology… And Me, Again

SAT., DEC. 16, 1995, 6:11 AM

This shall not be a new, unique Teaching. The theme is one I have talked to you about rather frequently through the years you have been listening to Me, the Holy Spirit. This theme is that My greatest Creation is life, the balance of life that makes human life possible.

An ecological view of life is a relational one. I gave this to you, you remember, even before I began to emphasize the spiritual. Why? Because spirit is part of a whole, here in the earth. True, it is the important element, but I wanted you to grasp the larger earth picture first.

There is a continuing interaction among forms of life, made possible by the unique conditions I created for this small planet, Earth. There are wasps in this house, all year long. You generally live in harmony with these small forms of life. In the winter season, which will soon be yours to enjoy, wasps move slowly. As you came up the stairs last evening you put your hand on the newel post, onto a slow-moving wasp. You lifted your hand quickly, so you thought, but not before you were stung. That small, slow-moving creature defended itself quite quickly in the only way it could. You saw it on the carpet, but you didn’t retaliate. You let it live as the pain of its minor sting subsided.

In this ecological sense I see this as a spiritual encounter. You share your dwelling with this, and some other, smaller forms of life. There was a brief encounter. You were temporarily and slightly hurt. You accepted that, and life went on for “both of you”. The spiritual aspect is in being aware of and appreciating the web of life I have created and in having the “discipline” to be in balance with life, not trying to dominate.

Now if the wasp had directly attacked you it would have been all right for you to defend yourself, even to have killed the attacker. The balance of life is a dynamic one, just as I created it to be. Your role will change in comparable situations and will be quite different in diverse situations. Adaptation is certainly an aspect of health in the spiritual way I see earth life.

Now, let’s apply it to this monstrous system of medical care your culture has developed… and can no longer sustain, for everyone who needs help in healing. In one sense, physicians and other medical personnel… and the whole system… are just an aggressive part of the balance of life. Lives are saved from suffering and premature death. Healing is enhanced. Effective treatments are instituted, aiding in the return of health. Why is this necessary?

Because you humans do live in My earth scene, along with other forms of life, and competition is part of the balance of life. There are infections and diseases, caused by organisms and abetted by insects, but possible because of weakness in some humans. Other forms of life sometimes win out… like unto the wasp. The other weakness is in not being able to adapt to certain conditions in the earth scene, the result being cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Ironically, some of that to which it is difficult to adapt is generated by human activity, even the very activity out of which comes the medical care system. The most gross example of this is that radiation causes cancer and is one of the main means used to kill cancer.

SAT., DEC. 16, 1995, 6:11 AM

This shall not be a new, unique Teaching. The theme is one I have talked to you about rather frequently through the years you have been listening to Me, the Holy Spirit. This theme is that My greatest Creation is life, the balance of life that makes human life possible.

An ecological view of life is a relational one. I gave this to you, you remember, even before I began to emphasize the spiritual. Why? Because spirit is part of a whole, here in the earth. True, it is the important . . .

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