Ecology And Spirit

FRI., JAN. 20, 1989, 6:55 AM

A good portion of the project that you set for yourself on your sabbatical just past had to do with some combination of the Wellsprings of Ecological Balancing and Human/Spiritual Interacting. I have spoken to this in the past in some ways, but this morning, as the winter sun appears, I shall speak directly to this theme. It is an important one, but it is not often considered so by many Christian folk.

I created the earth. I, as Almighty God, caused this system, with the sun as the center and earth as the living planet, to be. The exact process is unimportant, and I say again that some scientists waste valuable time and money in attempting to identify and describe these processes, with no consideration of My creative powers. Generally and insofar as possible, I used “natural” means, which I realize encourages scientific curiosity. However, I simply affirm that nothing would be “here” without My creative, guiding “hand.”

Humans are My supreme creation, and so it is reasonable to assume that human wants and desires are superior to all other considerations in relation to earth life. Wrong. As Jesus I told a story with the irrational conclusion that the last shall be first and the first, last. Interestingly, this is the supreme spiritual principle in regard to humans and this living planet, your earthly home. Because you are My supreme creation you must be willing to give up some of what you could produce and have in order that the ecological balance be more favorable to the health of the earth.

The love of comfort that is at the expense of the earth’s health is sin. I do not approve of the money and resources that go into vehicles, homes, and luxury items, even practices such as excessive central heating and air conditioning that require so much of the rest of earth life for the pleasure of a few. Even some life-saving medical procedures are not pleasing to Me as I see other ways in which these resources could be used, ways that could make for better living conditions for more persons. Oh, I do care about individuals, and I did perform some miracles, but I was not primarily a miracle worker, by any means. The length of an earth life is of little consequence. To give up one’s life that others might benefit is of far greater spiritual value than existing in an expensive hospital or care facility, using resources inordinately.

The more spirit develops the more a person, a family, a church, a community or a nation “naturally” looks toward the welfare of others rather than to their own advancement. I call on you to give to Me through giving to your church, but I also call on you to urge the church to give beyond its own wants and needs.

You are aware of much that your culture is doing, with money, resources, political power, and a desire to do all that is technologically possible, that is injurious to the life of the planet. Wonderful living sustaining trees are dying or being cut down directly or indirectly because of your culture’s desires. You spend excessive amounts on military means – for “defense,” but in effect these are means of killing other humans, destroying property, other life and natural systems, and of making the earth less habitable… all in the name of security. The premise that this is all in the defense of freedom is a weak one, with misguided spiritual intentions.

You are not one who shall organize some massive campaign to right such wrongs. It would be silly of Me to call on you for such a task. I do call you to teach toward these premises I give to you and even to write so that others, younger, in your profession might do this also. And I do call you to live in ways that show you appreciate this relationship between spirit and a more balanced ecosystem. Appreciate the technology that makes life pleasant, but differentiate what is truly helpful from what is truly unnecessary. Continue to use your muscle power for tasks that you can do, for in so doing you are bettering both yourself and the earth.

FRI., JAN. 20, 1989, 6:55 AM

A good portion of the project that you set for yourself on your sabbatical just past had to do with some combination of the Wellsprings of Ecological Balancing and Human/Spiritual Interacting. I have spoken to this in the past in some ways, but this morning, as the winter sun appears, I shall speak directly to this theme. It is an important one, but it is not often considered so by many Christian folk.

I created the earth. I, as Almighty God, caused this system, with the sun as the center . . .

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