Economics… And Me

SAT., OCT. 26, 1991, 1:26 PM

It is good that you have come in this early afternoon, as the rain falls and the thunder rumbles. I expected you this morning, but you did have some sleep debt, so that was substituted… but you did hear My call for later in the day.

As you look out your windows the most dominant colors are yellow and gold, which can suggest currency, representing the economic aspects of life. In very early times people provided for themselves or traded and bartered with others, but it soon became necessary to have some sort of money, as it became more difficult to be self-sufficient.

I actually have little to say about economic systems. I see some spiritual values in every system. I also see corruption, unfairness, cheating, and stealing in every system. So I have nothing to recommend in relation to what system is best. I have some preference for systems that provide basically for all people. I also have a preference for systems which allow and encourage those who have more than they need to share with the needy, willingly and voluntarily. Yet when systems say they have to produce military hardware, luxury cars and other non-necessities to keep people working and earning I have little relevant comment.

Symbolically and spiritually it is good to give of your substance to Me. I still like tithing, but it never has been a commandment. I want you to give, generously, but I do not yet push you to a tithe. Practically speaking, of course, you give to Me through various actual gifts, mainly to your church. I want you to keep expressing the conviction I have offered to you: that just as a church urges members to think not just of their own needs but also those of the church, so must the church think not just of its own needs but also those of the needy world beyond itself. Benevolent giving should increase proportionally to increases in giving by the people. This is just spiritually important to do.

I have chided you often about your personal concerns about having enough money. You do live quite frugally, and you do give fairly generously to the church and to other causes that touch your spirit. You know you shall never be in true need, but you trust too little in My assurances. (I suppose you have some right to be leery of the assurances of one avowedly uninterested in economic matters.) I do still call on you to trust in Me and to give, even beyond what is comfortable.

Money can represent spirit. I like your intent of writing the check to the church as the first one of the month and not waiting to see what you have left over. You should do likewise with one or two of the other causes to which you give… give “off of the top,” rather than from what is left. Generally you will find there is sufficient at the end to give yet a bit more.

You know that I have told you, from time to time, that there will be some form of economic crunch in this culture of yours. There is not enough money to do all that individuals, families, and governments want to do, so there is borrowing, necessary when you “live beyond your means.” You are experiencing the beginnings of such a crunch now. This is not a prophesy, but just a Teaching that encourages you to be spiritually ready for such a changed condition. You still are among the most fortunate, and thus you will have to give, even from lessened means of your own. This is a spiritual challenge that lies ahead.

SAT., OCT. 26, 1991, 1:26 PM

It is good that you have come in this early afternoon, as the rain falls and the thunder rumbles. I expected you this morning, but you did have some sleep debt, so that was substituted… but you did hear My call for later in the day.

As you look out your windows the most dominant colors are yellow and gold, which can suggest currency, representing the economic aspects of life. In very early times people provided for themselves or traded and bartered with others, but it soon became necessary to have . . .

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