Economics And My Earth

SUN., DEC. 15, 1996, 6:02 AM

This is the Christmas season, and in your culture it is a time for selling and buying. The prosperity of some businesses… and therefore the economic well-being of those who work in such… rises and falls with the sales during this short time. I am aware of the needs of people. I wouldn’t design an economy like this… but I obviously have allowed it to develop. For it not to function means hardship for some good people, some of whom are strong servants of Mine.

You were struck with the contents of the toy store you visited briefly this week. It seemed so excessive, in the toys as such and in the prices. Yet, again, people, some in cultures much poorer than yours, make a small living by assembling and making this wide variety of toys. It is a paradox. There must be opulent spending so that many poor workers can afford to live… and buy toys for their children.

I don’t run economic systems, and I see the advantages and the faults in each. In yours there must be a small rich class that finances all of the businesses and industries that try to sell during this season, and the others, too. Because of this there are many more products than are necessary, and then whole industries that advertise and in many ways urge you to buy, buy. And from this, ordinary workers make a living. You are a Christian, and this season is, originally, a celebration of My coming into the earth as the infant Jesus. A virgin Jewish girl was selected to bear the child, and I, as Holy Spirit, mystically provided the “means” by which she became pregnant. So she was not wholly “responsible” for the child who was born, and I certainly am not solely Jewish, so… but I digress.

As one of the stories that you will hear repeated goes, angels invited shepherds to “come and see”. There were no gifts, just curiosity, respect, and reverence. The other story is of wisemen coming from the East, with expensive, exotic presents. They came. They offered their gifts. They departed, in ways that didn’t help Herod to find and kill Me. (That would not have been good for My later ministry, here on earth, now would it?!)

Thus, these brief, simple stories encourage both simple remembrance and… I suppose… lavish gifts. The gifts assembled last week in your church appeared to be lavish, but they were all destined for poor folk who might receive little else in this season of receiving. That is a positive aspect of your season, as I see it… when affluent people give, anonymously, to those who have little. But this is in contrast to the giving to those who already have so much. You, for example, need nothing, but it would be strange if you received nothing, as gifts were exchanged. Even though you don’t need, you still have some expectations.

But, now, consider again My title of the morning. One of My most frequent affirmations to you is that I love the whole of this created earth realm more than I do humans. Affluent Christmas seasons are an added strain upon the resources necessary for life here. In total, your economic system is not good for the earth. Increasing people’s wants is not good for this realm. The increase in human population could be managed (for awhile, anyway) if life were simpler in style. The affluence could be managed if there were fewer people… or at least a stable, non-growing population.

So you work on toward destruction, of some sort. I will not let the earth be devastated… symbolically… because of expensive toys. But there must be some action on My part, perhaps even in your lifetime. If there are births, there must be deaths, here in the earth. If there are excessive births, there must be excessive deaths, as the balance.

SUN., DEC. 15, 1996, 6:02 AM

This is the Christmas season, and in your culture it is a time for selling and buying. The prosperity of some businesses… and therefore the economic well-being of those who work in such… rises and falls with the sales during this short time. I am aware of the needs of people. I wouldn’t design an economy like this… but I obviously have allowed it to develop. For it not to function means hardship for some good people, some of whom are strong servants of Mine.

You were struck with . . .

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