Educating “My Way”

SAT., MAY 28, 1988, 6:22 AM

Teachings galore! You do have Teachings galore from Me, including much advice about your role as a teacher. You know that this is the life role you should be fulfilling because this is what I want for you. Also you are just where you should be, teaching the courses that are best for you. Further, I have told you that in this last portion of your career your main focus should be on spirit, in both content and process. So… how are you doing?

The class that ended yesterday was quite a success in this important dimension. You felt that they had become a cohesive, spiritual group, and there was much affirmation that this did happen. When a summer class disbands it shall never be reconstituted, so the value must continue in individual spirits, and there is a good chance that this will occur… for some, at least. It was a strong Christian group, and the perspectives exercise helped to identify that, for them as well as for you. Use that newly developed health continuum to “identify” this next class, for them as well as for you.

You are not “worn out”, so I tell you you must put in much time in preparing for each of these classes ahead. Make adaptations of the approaches used that can bring forth some of the same results, even with a different topic. It will not come easily, but the effort will be rewarded.

Educating “My way” is to focus on spirit and on ultimate matters. Yet I also have words and comments about the nitty-gritty of everyday life. Use this as a model. As you teach facts and concepts, illustrated by the experiences of everyday life, return often to the holistic and the ecological models, and to the need to develop spirit in the educative experience.

“Return often.” One of My principles of educating is revisiting… repetition… review. If you want something learned keep reintroducing it, in a variety of ways, until it truly has been learned. You learned, long ago, “much that is learned is soon forgotten.” It is less likely to be forgotten if it is reinforced, utilized, and has been approached and learned several ways.

The injury to your finger prevented you from doing more songs in the class just completed. You should be able to do more with music in this one coming up. You see that doing a preview of your Rutgers presentation would be appropriate for here on the Farm on Friday. The healing process continues. Let it proceed properly, without testing that is too early. Then use more songs and stories the second week. I encourage this kind of educating.

Educating “My way” is demanding in some ways. You must know everyone in a class, and must use methods and assignments that allow you to learn more about them, as individuals. You must have them write instead of just answering “objective” questions. You must read carefully what each writes and make some appropriate comments. This is your style. I just want you to know that it is also “My way” and I encourage you to continue it.

Preparation is important, with thought as to what the group is doing, and how this is affecting spirit, in individuals and in the group. Each class session is important in itself, as well as part of the whole. Each of these Teachings I give to you has value in and of itself, but it also is part of a larger whole, part of learning about life, both here in the earth and beyond. Each class can be like a polished jewel. The class, before it begins, is like a rough, unpolished but valuable stone. With proper preparation you can make it into the polished, sparkling jewel. Quite a challenge, eh?!

SAT., MAY 28, 1988, 6:22 AM

Teachings galore! You do have Teachings galore from Me, including much advice about your role as a teacher. You know that this is the life role you should be fulfilling because this is what I want for you. Also you are just where you should be, teaching the courses that are best for you. Further, I have told you that in this last portion of your career your main focus should be on spirit, in both content and process. So… how are you doing?

The class that ended yesterday was quite . . .

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