Education And Christ

FRI., OCT. 5, 1984, 7:10 AM

Regularity is not your strong suit these days in relation to this time of learning and sharing. You are into your Fall busyness, and you do have many responsibilities, so I chide you gently, but do not reprimand you. Just hear the reminder that I want you to come for these Teaching somewhat more often than you do.

You are an educator in a secular institution. Your professional field is perceived as secular by most of your colleagues… even as I have given you the continuing task of introducing and emphasizing a spiritual dimension to this quality you call health. You are to be a Christian, one in a born again relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, and you are to be ready to offer a Christian interpretation of any life event at any time (even if it is not completely “orthodox”.)

Yet the important relationship is that I guide you in whatever you are doing, not that you are constantly defending and preaching Me. This is the role that I give to some, and I expect them to carry it out, even in the midst of persecution and scorn. Your role is equally important to Me, because it is part of a larger tapestry of service and of influence of which you are only scarcely aware. I call upon you to feel and seek My influence in your life, and then lead that life under this influence, even though you may make few ringing testimonies to the desirability of everyone coming to Me in open, well-known ways.

There is a young man in your lecture class that is bothered by some of what you have said. It is important, even with many other responsibilities, to talk with him, hear his testimony, and offer the openness of a Christ spirit to him. Whether he appreciates it is not vital… that you seek him out and offer… is.

You find that you may have another teaching responsibility next semester, and there is a certain temptation to complain of overload. The Christ in you must accept this as an opportunity – the unique opportunity that this course in Death Education offers. You do it well now, and it can continue to improve. You are paid well, and it is your Christ-given responsibility to take these opportunities you have to teach and develop them ever more fully. Do not even consider complaining about these opportunities you still have to be an influence in the lives of these students you encounter… some of whom are sent by Me to have experiences under your influence.

I still am disappointed that you have not yet formed a student group that can discuss and consider the spiritual influence in health issues and mattes. This seems such a natural thing for you to do, and I have urged you repeatedly to take this initiative… even said, as I say again, that you will be disappointed that you didn’t start this years ago, with students now gone. But the challenge is still before you. Why not take this leap? It is your Christ-like thing to do.

FRI., OCT. 5, 1984, 7:10 AM

Regularity is not your strong suit these days in relation to this time of learning and sharing. You are into your Fall busyness, and you do have many responsibilities, so I chide you gently, but do not reprimand you. Just hear the reminder that I want you to come for these Teaching somewhat more often than you do.

You are an educator in a secular institution. Your professional field is perceived as secular by most of your colleagues… even as I have given you the continuing task of introducing and emphasizing . . .

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