Elderly… It’s Almost You

FRI., FEB. 5, 1999, 11:24 AM

The elderly time of earth life is meant to be enjoyed. This isn’t always easily possible, I recognize (for I do know how the earth functions and how you humans “fit in”), for some of you do have pains and disabilities… and, worse, not much of a sense that your life was worthwhile. However, this is not you, for you have a joyous recollection of your life (even as more and more details fade away) and quite a positive expectation for this elderly time, for the transition, and for continuing life in the spirit.

But now you are having to deal with life that still seems to be going too fast… for the “speed” that is comfortable for you. You have finished the newsletter task, and, as usual, when it is done you have a good feeling for what you have accomplished. But you have offered the “opportunity” to someone else, anyone else, and you shall be interested in seeing if anyone “volunteers”. You have pledged at least 4 more issues, but you’ll then have to consider what you’ll do if there are no “takers”. It is a good… and a unique… service that you offer, monthly, to your congregation, and I appreciate it, particularly the fun you have… and encourage… with the jokes and cartoons. It is unlikely that your “successor” will approach the task with the same spirit… and you could offer to provide these “additions”, because of your membership in the Fellowship of Merry Christians. So… you’ve taken another step in “unburdening”, and this won’t be the last.

Clerk of Session is another responsibility, one Lenore urges you to abandon. This still seems worthwhile to you, and to Me, and it does have a set ending-time. Just see how life is without the Newsletter task. Don’t remove yourself from service to your congregation before it really is necessary. These are both forms of service which you like to do and are fairly “good at”, but the elderly time is a time to give up responsibilities while you’re still doing them fairly well. Remember… “always leave ‘em clappin’ their damn hands!”

The physical losses you are experiencing are bothersome, but, still, ones for which you can compensate. Just know you’ll have more, but mostly ones you can deal with. Your walk around the pasture this morning was for a purpose, but it also should be a “suggestion” that you should do this more often, even with some regularity, both as physical exercise and in appreciation of this fine place – The Farm.

Memory losses are usually harder to deal with. It could be good to try for more organization in what you are doing, devising some ways of remembering, if the “natural ones” prove faulty. But, yes, this is relatively normal for one your age, these beginning “losses”. Try to avoid the frustration that comes from the perspective that you can “conquer these losses”.

And now, hear again what priorities I recommend for these present and coming elderly years. Your first priorities should be spiritual, and, naturally, I favor these Teachings, at least 3 or 4 a week. And, as part of that, I want you to keep them organized, as you are doing, with proper Tables of Contents. Next, of course, are Our Ruminations… and even though you are quite late in getting this current blue one out I do want you to continue to write and send out 4 a year. This is not a responsibility to be modified. (I also continue to say – pay little attention to criticism or non-response. You and I are doing this, and We don’t need gross approval.)

Your life companion has been, and still is, Lenore. She needs attention, and you both need to support and encourage each other. She, too, is suffering some losses, and you both need to appreciate and deal with these… as with yours. You have a good life together. As you give up other “distractions”, keep this relationship strong, healthy, and loving.

FRI., FEB. 5, 1999, 11:24 AM

The elderly time of earth life is meant to be enjoyed. This isn’t always easily possible, I recognize (for I do know how the earth functions and how you humans “fit in”), for some of you do have pains and disabilities… and, worse, not much of a sense that your life was worthwhile. However, this is not you, for you have a joyous recollection of your life (even as more and more details fade away) and quite a positive expectation for this elderly time, for the transition, and for continuing . . .

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