
WED., NOV. 26, 1986, 5:01 AM

As part of your commitment to Me, made last week, you shall read and seek to understand the story of Samuel. One brazen aspect of this story is the fact of election – I do select persons, even souls, to do some task in the earth. It may be memorable… a part of the history of a culture or of a time, or it may be just a virtually unknown election, such as yours: Hear , o son, as I speak of this exertion of My Will.

As I have told you before, each soul or entity who comes into the earth has a will, and an important function of that will is to decide to what extent to recognize and appreciate, and serve Me, in some form and in some way. If I were a passive, non-functioning Spirit, or if I had no purposes other than observing what wills did with their freedom, then this would be a realm of free will. But such is not the case, and the Scriptures point much more to a balance of wills than to free will.

In any good marriage neither partner can claim or function as a free will. At times your will gives in to that of Lenore. At other times your will prevails. In yet other instances there is some more even balance, each will having some sway. When you had children at home the scene was complicated further, with wills competing and clashing fairly often.

I have a Will. That is, I, as God Almighty and as Jesus Christ, at One with the Father, have a Will for the earth and for certain happenings, which shall be abetted by the actions of certain living persons. I, the Holy Spirit, am the functioning Force that translates this Will into action.

In some instances, as in the story of Samuel, I exert My Will from the very conception, and that person becomes a servant of Mine through a total life. In other circumstances I wait, as with Saul of Tarsus, for a propitious time and then come forth in a dramatic way. Yours has not been such a dramatic election, but I did get your attention this morning in a fairly startling way. It could have been diagnosed as just a sudden allergic attack, but you knew that it was I, even at this early hour.

The variations from Samuel’s clear and dramatic election are many, many. Free will certainly has some merit in this earth circumstance as a means toward spiritual growth, so it is a fact much more than in other realms over which I preside. Yet I tell you again that your particular culture overvalues and overemphasizes this relationship with Me. When I choose to exert My Will there will always be an effect. No human will is more powerful than Mine. None can function as effectively and purposefully as Mine.

Remember, however, that this exertion, this intervention into a life is always a blessing and never a punishment, no matter what any immediate result may suggest. The ultimate purpose of earth life is spiritual growth, which is growth toward reunion with Me. I have the power and the will to hasten this process, and the capacity and desire to have any one of you become a more active means in helping others toward this goal.

WED., NOV. 26, 1986, 5:01 AM

As part of your commitment to Me, made last week, you shall read and seek to understand the story of Samuel. One brazen aspect of this story is the fact of election – I do select persons, even souls, to do some task in the earth. It may be memorable… a part of the history of a culture or of a time, or it may be just a virtually unknown election, such as yours: Hear , o son, as I speak of this exertion of My Will.

As I have told . . .

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