
TUES., SEPT. 8, 1987, 6:07 AM

Elevation means going up… or it can be a measure of how high you are. It is usually offered as a geographical measure, but this morning I shall talk to you of its spiritual usage.

It usually is assumed that up is good and positive, while down is bad and negative. I say, instead, that up and down are complementary, and the value designations are not warranted. In the regular living of life, what goes up must come down (one of My physical laws); going down from this second story to go about the important tasks of the day is a very positive action.

Yet elevation can mean going up to a place of honor, a situation much to be desired. I offer you a place of elevation. You have a standing invitation to be elevated into the realm of ultimate Spirit, even as you sit at this cluttered desk. This is an elevation about which you could well boast rightfully. But this would bring undue attention to you, and would generally not be beneficial. Still, I want you to know and acknowledge before Me that this is an elevating experience… and you are never to deny that it is anything other than an elevation. (You must see the difference between boasting of this relationship and denying that it has reality and importance.)

As you sit and seek a title in words you moulder in lower realms, even that of the rational mind. After several at least semi-rational suggestions about a theme for the morning you let your spirit be elevated, and you accept what I offer, even when it is a far-from-lofty theme. Elevation allows you to sink down again without degradation. Whatever I offer you must take.

In a symbolic spiritual sense I, as Holy Spirit, came from on high down to earth to be part of the creation of Jesus. I then empowered His spirit even more as He grew. At His baptism I came down from on high to send Him on His ministering way. But first I led Him out into the wilderness… not down, but out. I was a part of that important venture of God, coming down to earth because We were so elevated. To be elevated is to have the power, capacity, and desire to come down, for the benefit of the many who are not so elevated.

In elevation you have a broader vision of the realm in which you function. But of what value is this broader view if you do not come down and be part of that realm, with ability and enthusiasm. In elevation you are above the smog, the noise and confusion, the dust… the evidence of human activity. This is a marvelous experience and is to be appreciated fully, but then you must come down again and be part of the dusty plain.

I offer you an elevation so that you can learn in ways wonderful and mystical. But then you must continue to learn in dusty academic ways so that you remain competent as well as inspired. I can teach you all that you need to know for your continued and continuing life of spirit, but you must descend and work hard at remaining a well-functioning professional.

Hell is portrayed as a place or a state to which you descend… surely not an elevation. And it is hot. Interestingly, the elevated heights of heaven are not portrayed as being cold. But you know that the heights are cool, even cold. And then I tell you that I am as the sun, hot in My radiance of truth and grace. I told you we were not limited to rational discourse.

TUES., SEPT. 8, 1987, 6:07 AM

Elevation means going up… or it can be a measure of how high you are. It is usually offered as a geographical measure, but this morning I shall talk to you of its spiritual usage.

It usually is assumed that up is good and positive, while down is bad and negative. I say, instead, that up and down are complementary, and the value designations are not warranted. In the regular living of life, what goes up must come down (one of My physical laws); going down from this second story to . . .

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