Emmaus And Damascus… Roads

FRI., AUG. 12, 1994, 1:25 AM

Yes, o son, there are two “road stories” that are important to this Christian story that is My favorite spiritual tale. Each is the story of a strange and significant happening when traveling. Early in this experience that We have together it became clear that I could and did come to you with Teachings when you were “on the road” to somewhere… or on the road home. Also, your recollection is that I first came to you as the Holy Spirit “taking over” your pen when you were on a working trip away from home. You were “on the road,” at least symbolically.

You are part of the group within your congregation that has, at one time or another, gone on the weekend “journey” called the Walk to Emmaus. The story to which this simulation relates takes place just after I, as Jesus, was crucified. Two men who had experienced My ministry and who knew the disciples were walking that road to that village, talking about what had just happened. A man that they didn’t recognize joined them and began to tell them how Jesus’ life and ministry was a part of the Jewish faith and why he had to die, even as that was not commonly expected of the Messiah.

When the trio reached Emmaus the original two, fascinated by what this stranger had revealed to them, invited him to stay the night with them… or at least to share a meal with them. He agreed, and as they began the meal this One took bread, blessed it, and broke it. Immediately they recognized Him as the Jesus of whom they had been speaking. But before they could question Him further, He disappeared from their sight. Yet they both felt the warmth of His presence with them, and they headed back to Jerusalem to tell the disciples that they had experienced the Risen Lord in this strange way. (You have agreed to tell this story to the children when your group shall “do” the worship service, so read it over several times so that you know it better than you do now.)

In an ordinary pedestrian journey two men experienced Me as their fascinating companion. Whether it was I, as Jesus, or I, as the Holy Spirit is of no consequence. Yet they did not recognize Me. Why not? Since that incident many, many others have had Me as a companion but also did not recognize Me. But I became known to them when I broke the bread that came to be seen as the symbol of My flesh, My body. When you accept that My body was broken for you then you recognize Me… I become known to you. The communion service goes back to what is called the Last Supper, but is verified in the evangelical tradition by this incident in Emmaus.

The simulated Walk offers the opportunity for Christians, who already know Me in a basic way to come to a closer relationship through this 3 day “journey.” It was not necessary for you, for you and I were already quite close, but it was good for you to have that experience.

At a later time, after I had ascended into heaven, leaving My disciples with a commission that I knew they couldn’t fulfill as I wished, I came in a more dramatic fashion to another man on another road. This was Saul, and I had chosen him as the unlikely one who would be most successful in creating this New Body of Mine, the Christian Church. Saul was a dedicated, zealous Pharisee who was persecuting Christians, quite successfully. But on the road to Damascus I came to him as a brilliant light and a voice, as from heaven. I struck him blind, and told him where to go in Damascus. Through Ananias (whom you played this summer) Saul (whom you played in an earlier year) regained his sight and accepted his call to serve Me instead of persecuting Me.

FRI., AUG. 12, 1994, 1:25 AM

Yes, o son, there are two “road stories” that are important to this Christian story that is My favorite spiritual tale. Each is the story of a strange and significant happening when traveling. Early in this experience that We have together it became clear that I could and did come to you with Teachings when you were “on the road” to somewhere… or on the road home. Also, your recollection is that I first came to you as the Holy Spirit “taking over” your pen when you were on a working . . .

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