Emphasize The Theology

TUES., NOV. 22, 1989, 6:05 AM

The process is going well. As you re-read the Ruminations, three in number, that We have written on this ecological/environmental theme you were concerned that We have already “said it all.” But you persisted. You identified the cluster of Teachings that were in each. So you then selected ones from the missing years, to go with this cluster I have given you most recently. Now you are ready to develop the theme: a deep ecology needs a deep theology.

My title today offers the raison d’etre for this letter. The emphasis shall be on the theology, relating to ecology. For example, you have read repeatedly that My highest creation, as Almighty God, has been the human… you humans in the wide variety evident in the earth today. That seems to imply, then, that I could not favor a deep ecology, wherein humans are not favored. The theological analog should be simple. The Bible story tells that I chose the Jews as a special people. I demanded allegiance, devotion, and obedience from them. When they did not meet My standards I meted out punishment and many of them died. Then I would save them and love them, despite their sins.

As Jesus, I came into the earth as a Jew. I fit into the Jewish story beautifully. But as I preached and taught the most apparently learned and devout of the Jewish rabbis turned against Me and arranged for My death. (This was a both/and situation: My own people said, “Crucify him,” and I was put to death AND I went willingly as part of the greater plan of salvation.) I then chose and raised up Paul to proclaim that salvation was for ALL people, not just for the Jews. Christianity has developed outside of Judaism and is much more inclusive of diverse peoples. And yet I still love those who remain devout as My original chosen Jewish people.

Humans are My highest creations. I still affirm this. But as you humans defile this creation of Mine I turn against you. As you needlessly kill some of My lesser creatures (dolphins, for example), cut down great forests, and eliminate species of plants and other creatures, from your greed as well as your numbers, I turn away from such sin. I still love humans, but My greater concern now is for the more comprehensive web of life, of which you humans are only a part. There shall be retribution – My form of “tough love.”

The theological emphasis should be that I am the God of all creation. I continue to create, and I sustain. I meddle seldom in the ongoing interactions I have developed, for even with Me, the ecological truth holds: the apparent solution to a problem may, in itself be another problem, “worse than the first.” A human body makes it possible for a spirit to be incarnated… a unique experience for any sprit. The human brain allows humans to adapt to this earth, even to dominate and subdue the earth, improving human status. But out of this capacity has come selfishness and a turning away from Me. Even some devout Christians feel little concern for the earth, for its myriad life forms, and even for many fellow humans. They are more concerned with maintaining and “improving” a lifestyle unsustainable on this planet. So I must turn away.

The earth shall survive, for this is My desire. Human life shall survive also, for this, too, is My desire. All of the adjustments that take place shall be opportunities for spiritual growth, and this is My final reason for there being such an earth. So, it is a positive theology. Spiritual growth may abound, even as human life must adapt to new conditions.

Jews today are better off than during the Nazi regime. They are not better off than when Joshua led them into the Promised Land. They are better off than when they wandered in the wilderness till all of the elders died off. The Jews are My Scriptural/theological analog to humans today… in relation to a deep ecology.

TUES., NOV. 22, 1989, 6:05 AM

The process is going well. As you re-read the Ruminations, three in number, that We have written on this ecological/environmental theme you were concerned that We have already “said it all.” But you persisted. You identified the cluster of Teachings that were in each. So you then selected ones from the missing years, to go with this cluster I have given you most recently. Now you are ready to develop the theme: a deep ecology needs a deep theology.

My title today offers the raison d’etre for this . . .

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