Endings… And Beginnings

FRI., MAY 13, 1994, 7:50 AM

Final exams… late papers… adding up total points… this is the ending of a semester. It is not ideal, with this surgery and the recovery therefrom, but the ending must come, and the grades must be turned in. Two classes were excellent, but your all-time favorite, International Health, did not develop as it should have, and this was disappointing. You want every class to be a clear “winner”, and you know this is too great an expectation.

Then, as soon as these classes will be wrapped up, you must begin the planning for the first summer experience. The folder you have been carrying around is full of ideas from previous classes, and, with a 5 year hiatus, you should have other thoughts about how to develop awareness and appreciation of this crucial Wellspring. But you also have the challenge of 5 hours of class time and how to keep this interesting and varied. This is a beginning that must be planned… but also with room for just “happenings”.

You are looking forward to the ending of this current “version” of leg, back, and spirit… with foot as an important addition. With the surgery well past, and it deemed a success, you are expecting, each day, some return of feeling and function. So far, you have been disappointed. Now comes a new ache, which is only bothersome in itself, but more so if it heralds some new problem in this lower-middle region of your body. Concern is appropriate, if kept to a minimum. I continue to call on you to have faith in your body’s capacities to heal. I reinforce your conviction that spirit is a major factor in maintaining health and in encouraging the healing process. Your spirit should be emphasizing the positive, the return to full functioning as a total person. Give as little attention to your aches, disabilities, and things you can’t do, with most focus on what you can do and are doing.

In a not-too-dramatic a fashion you are experiencing the ending of the Spring season, and the advent of summer. From a growing perspective you have not planted as you should have, but it can still be done. This need not be a high priority, but it should be a portion of this particular change-of-season. This little book on your desk and the long story you just have watched on television bring forth thoughts of more serious endings and beginnings. You have heard Me tell you that there will be changes in the earth and the ways its excessive peoples live. Such changes will be tragic for some, but bearable for others. Some of these will be quite natural, quite predictable results of human action. A few will be initiated by Me, for I am the major factor in the future of this earth, even as this is not universally accepted. Again I reiterate that you are not a prophet, so I do not give you specific knowledge about the future. I do say, however, that changes will come.

This should cause you to think, then, of how productive you could make this Farm, which would take much better planning and appropriate action than has been your “style.” Living here you should not be as vulnerable as those in metropolitan areas, but much adaptation could be necessary. When will this comfortable way of life be ending? What, then, will be beginning? These are not ideal thoughts for you, in your time of life. Still, you want to live to experience these, as exciting… as challenging to your spirit.

FRI., MAY 13, 1994, 7:50 AM

Final exams… late papers… adding up total points… this is the ending of a semester. It is not ideal, with this surgery and the recovery therefrom, but the ending must come, and the grades must be turned in. Two classes were excellent, but your all-time favorite, International Health, did not develop as it should have, and this was disappointing. You want every class to be a clear “winner”, and you know this is too great an expectation.

Then, as soon as these classes will be wrapped up, you must begin . . .

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