Enjoy… Enjoy!

SAT., SEPT. 25, 1999, 6:56 AM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, do urge you, on this beautiful early Fall day, to enjoy this, as another small portion of this life in the earth. You have some chores to accomplish… enjoy these. Put in a couple of hours on Our Ruminations Letter and enjoy this, making the message as positive as possible. Enjoy each part of this day, accomplishing what you can and putting aside the uncomfortable feeling that you should be doing more.

You remember your Dad’s struggle with his loss of memory, and now you see Mable, your mother-in-law, accepting, rather completely, her inability to remember. You still are struggling, loathe to accept that an increasing portion of what you have experienced is, somehow, “lost.” It seems, to you, that you are too “young” to have such losses… that you must “fight” to hang on to what seems to be an important aspect of your “humanity.”

Yet you also calculate that your age is about average for the death of men in your culture. You aren’t afraid of dying (and I assure you that you’ve experienced this “before), so there are only a few reasons to “hang on” to this life. You find it almost ridiculous that Mabel, a long time servant of Mine, who is truly elderly and almost completely dependent, can attest so strongly that nobody wants to die. That is strange, and, yes, it is evident that the essence of her spirit, now sometimes moves out of her body, leaving a barely functioning mind that is afraid of dying. She shall feel some shame and regret when she does come across that she made such assertions. But, positively, she is enjoying most of what life her body still has… as long as she feels no pain.

Your essential task, then, is to keep seeking the best balance between the enjoyment of accomplishment and the enjoyment of just “being.” This room is a kind of “symbol” of this struggle to balance in the best way. Its condition now is gross disorder, which symbolizes a desire to remain “active,” but with the inability to do so. If you could make it more neat… which means disposing of much that is here, in some way… you would be more accepting ( 7:45 / 7:48 ) of your transition on to the spiritual realm best for you. There can be enjoyment in each alternative, and this is what I want, for you. It isn’t easy, coming “off of” an active life, as you have had, but you have shed the newsletter responsibility quite well, and you surely will take on few… to no… others, for your best enjoyment.

(And, most certainly, give no attention to time while you’re hearing Me. That has been one of Our “conditions” over the years. If it takes longer than an hour… just remember that this is not time “out of” your life… it is outside of time).

Continue your selective reading, giving less time to the daily news. Earth life will not be as pleasant in this next era, but I will still be urging those who come to Me, in the many ways I offer and accept, to enjoy this portion of their spiritual ( 8:04 / 8:05 ) journey. You do appreciate how your life has been, and that I did choose you for this “honor”… of hearing Me, in this unique way. As I’ve told you often, you didn’t “deserve” to be chosen… it was more a matter of My enjoyment… of doing something “unlikely.”

SAT., SEPT. 25, 1999, 6:56 AM

I, your friendly Holy Spirit, do urge you, on this beautiful early Fall day, to enjoy this, as another small portion of this life in the earth. You have some chores to accomplish… enjoy these. Put in a couple of hours on Our Ruminations Letter and enjoy this, making the message as positive as possible. Enjoy each part of this day, accomplishing what you can and putting aside the uncomfortable feeling that you should be doing more.

You remember your Dad’s struggle with his loss of memory, and now you . . .

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