Enjoy The Experience

MON., AUG. 29, 1988, 5:12 PM

The convention which brought you to this place is well underway, and My fundamental message to you this evening is the title, “enjoy the experience.” Now this means more than merely doing only what’s comfortable. I want you to participate as you have commenced today, even when it is a bit difficult, but you still can enjoy this, for the outcomes are usually better than you expect.

The journal I suggested you keep is well started. Keep up the entries, taking a little time here and there, enjoying that experience also. It is not just another “assignment.” Since you are not working on your study project now, this journal task will help you to keep in touch with the two focal concepts about which you shall write. Again I tell you… these have meaning in actual human behavior and feelings. So as you record experiences that seem to fit with one or both you are preparing yourself for your more important project.

The theme of the convention is participation by all, and I want you to exhibit this theme. Participate. Have this as a constant urge, so that when you feel like returning away from action you will be more aware of this… and can better decide what you should do.

Lee paid you a nice compliment (and I accept that it is applied to Me, too) in saying that your initial Ruminations has been helpful. Don’t just leave the matter there. Find out how it has been of help and of how he is looking at life now. Participate. Don’t just assume you know what another will say. Ask. Question. Offer opinions or convictions if you’re asked, but be concerned. You went that extra step with Barbara today, and she told you more than she would have if you had just remained with pleasantries. That was a short but good conversation. Keep that as a “model.”

You needn’t be concerned that you don’t have the burning desire to travel and work in places beyond your country. Remember that I have told you repeatedly that you are where you should be, doing what I would have you do. This means that you should be fully appreciative of your present situation… and quite willing to say that this is the good life for you. If you had rejected some opportunity that was offered (perhaps by Me?) then I would speak differently. If I want you to have some foreign experience you will certainly know that I so call. In the meantime, enjoy your present experience… as you do… and relate this to others.

Tomorrow you shall play your small part in these cluttered proceedings. Enjoy this thoroughly. If only a few folks wander by, enjoy the chance to talk about this unique presentation. If many stop enjoy that bit of popularity also. Be prepared for any changes that seems necessary. But mostly… enjoy.

I want you to continue the emphasis you have in your International Health class. This multicultural perspective is important for you to encourage students to learn. Consider some questions, here, about spiritual matters, even religious, and be able to reintroduce such ideas to your learners. This is one of the great values of any convention, but this one, particularly. Know that I tell you that truth comes in many forms. Love and cherish Christian truth, but don’t be limited by it.

You see that you shall have no problem in leaving early, making the next leg of your journey less pressured. Just know this, even as you enjoy the participation of each day here.

MON., AUG. 29, 1988, 5:12 PM

The convention which brought you to this place is well underway, and My fundamental message to you this evening is the title, “enjoy the experience.” Now this means more than merely doing only what’s comfortable. I want you to participate as you have commenced today, even when it is a bit difficult, but you still can enjoy this, for the outcomes are usually better than you expect.

The journal I suggested you keep is well started. Keep up the entries, taking a little time here and there, enjoying that . . .

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