Enjoy The Warmth

MON., AUG. 3, 1987, 6:56 AM

The sun is up, the air is still, and everyone in this portion of the earth can anticipate another hot day. Many will dread this and will take a variety of measures to allay this experience. Air conditioners will run with record intensities to combat this assault by the sun. Do I still tell you to walk in the sun, o son? Essentially yes, but I shall put the message in a different form this morning.

You are living a life in time, in the earth, and in the flesh. In strictly spiritual terms this is a challenging life… one in which you can gain much, lose much, or just paddle around in circles. Earth life has some enticingly real characteristics. It is real, and there are sights, sounds, smells, tastes, textures, shapes, and many combinations that assure you of the reality of your existence. Your body feels pleasure and pain and reacts to changes in temperature, pressure, and humidity. This body of yours functions well, but you have a right to expect that it will have disabilities and other less than ideal changes as you progress in years.

I have told you, and you have the maturity and development to accept and know, that continuing reality is spiritual, and that this reality you are experiencing as a human is not ultimate. Yet this day I tell you to enjoy the warmth, which means, symbolically, to live this earth life with fullness.

I, the Holy Spirit, have never actually felt what you shall experience today. I know of its reality, and I was a part of Jesus who did experience life as a human in a not truly ideal climate. Still, I have never actually had a body and been a human, and so My experience is not quite the same as yours. A fair example would be: you know quite a lot about the birth of a baby… you have read, seen films, seen actual births… but you have never and never will experience childbirth in this life. In some ways you understand it better than many women who have had several births… and I certainly understand earth life better than you do. Yet you have not had the actual experience, and I have not felt the effects of heat on a body of My own.

Your experiences are not like all others. You are not some universal man. You tend to have some non-sympathetic feelings for those who complain about the heat, even though you know that some of these are experiencing true discomfort, for their bodies are not as adaptable as yours. This is an important realization, but it must not deter you from experiencing your portion of life as completely as possible.

I have directed you to this portion of the earth where there is much to experience. Now it is warmth that can certainly be legitimately called heat. Yet six months from now this room could be 40* colder and you would have some difficulty in getting your fingers to function. There can be high winds and heavy rains… even earthquakes. The grass and the garden dries up now, for no moisture has fallen and the heat has been steady. I encourage you to experience all these fully, for these are not interactions that spirits have, and many humans are unwilling to truly be in the experience.

MON., AUG. 3, 1987, 6:56 AM

The sun is up, the air is still, and everyone in this portion of the earth can anticipate another hot day. Many will dread this and will take a variety of measures to allay this experience. Air conditioners will run with record intensities to combat this assault by the sun. Do I still tell you to walk in the sun, o son? Essentially yes, but I shall put the message in a different form this morning.

You are living a life in time, in the earth, and in the flesh. In . . .

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