Enjoy This Season

FRI., DEC. 6, 1991, 6:51 AM

The winter season, the Christmas season, and the between-semesters season all approach. Each is a season to enjoy, for different reasons. You learned a good lesson yesterday, and you learned it in time. You were kept waiting an inordinate amount of time, and you hadn’t prepared for that, and hence you were becoming angry and feeling sorry for yourself. Fortunately you recalled the value of feeling positive, of smiling, of accepting those things you cannot change. The time with the doctor was short and pleasant, and you could appreciate the lessons I want you to learn from these disabilities.

The winter season will feature blasts of cold like you have experienced, but followed by relative warmth because of the geography of this place. Your wood supply is insufficient, so keeping that available is an all-season challenge… but one you enjoy. There are other tasks outside, your ongoing filthy basement, and opportunities to write that you should recognize in inclement weather. I encourage you to see this cold, non-growing season in a positive way. There is much that can be done, and there also is time to rest, to read, to listen to music that enriches your spirit.

The Christmas season also is upon you, with less than three weeks till the celebration day. It is a time of Christian celebration, and you shall be a part of this… at church, here, and at your son’s. You have a special opportunity on the Sunday after this one, in being the worship leader. Prepare for that well. It shall be your opportunity to help make it a joyous morning.

You have some presents to select and some poems to write. Even if you put these off till the last minute give them good attention and the fullness of your spirit. You sometimes lose some of the spirit of this season in the rushing that you allow. Your university schedule gives you almost an extra week to prepare, so appreciate that.

You know you will have three sets of finals coming in next Wednesday. These shall be time-consuming, but they fit your belief as to what this final task should be. Don’t resent the process, but appreciate the words used and the thoughts expressed. You resented, briefly, the time taken yesterday in waiting, but you saw that all was accomplished, and the resentment was a waste… the real waste. So prepare not to resent the time that must go into the proper closing of this term and these classes. If you must, remind yourself that this is what you are well paid to do, in part a gift from Me.

After the Christmas season you have the between-semesters season to enjoy. The two major projects, of course, are your final Ruminations for this year and your Christmas letter. These require that you give them your attention, as well as some time. You enjoy doing both, and the results are certainly heartening. If the weather should offer some bad days you might just write another of the papers I continue to encourage. You also should give some time to preparation for the three favorite classes which loom. And you need to deal with the accumulation in your office. It is a fine place for you, so don’t let it become even more cluttered.

( 7:46 / 11:20 )

FRI., DEC. 6, 1991, 6:51 AM

The winter season, the Christmas season, and the between-semesters season all approach. Each is a season to enjoy, for different reasons. You learned a good lesson yesterday, and you learned it in time. You were kept waiting an inordinate amount of time, and you hadn’t prepared for that, and hence you were becoming angry and feeling sorry for yourself. Fortunately you recalled the value of feeling positive, of smiling, of accepting those things you cannot change. The time with the doctor was short and pleasant, and you could appreciate . . .

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