Enlightenment… Or, In Other Words

THURS., AUG. 26, 1993, 6:20 AM

Enlightenment is a perfectly good term, but it is more associated with Eastern religion and philosophy than with Western Christianity. This is too bad, because its focus is on the important concept of “light”, and I like to be identified with the light. When it is light you can see, and when you are enlightened you understand, better, how this earth life is part of a much more extensive whole.

In the Hindu tradition, as you understand it, enlightenment means that you see earth life as a maya, which translates to “an illusion.” In contrast, somewhat, I have told you that life in the earth is real, but it is only one form of reality. In your culture the expression “the real world” most typically means the world of work and, particularly, competition… practical, not spiritual. Naturally, I call the “real world” the world of spirit, with and without bodies, economic and political systems. I like the idea that the real world is the one you’re in at the time. Participate in it fully, and enjoy it.

In our Christian tradition I equate enlightenment with being born again. Yet this term has been “coopted” by evangelical Christians to refer only to the rather sudden and dramatic change that comes with the full acceptance of Me, as Jesus, as Lord and Savior. I am the chief reality, overshadowing all other. This equates with being in total darkness and then suddenly experiencing brilliant light, which allows you to see true Reality.

You know, from what I have taught you and from your own experience, that being born again can be a more gradual experience, marked by one or more peak experiences, realized more in retrospect than when they were actual happing. The light analogy here is the dawning of a new day. Normally, it gradually becomes lighter and lighter, as light overcomes the darkness of night. Then the sun appears, and the light is increased. But there may be a bank of clouds near the horizon, so that the sun is now hidden for a time, and the light does not increase as expected. Then as the earth moves in its course the sun reappears, higher in the sky, giving forth more light. Clouds again may block the light for a time, but only in rare instances does darkness return during the day. Let’s let that analogy rest there.

Enlightenment for you began with the fuller sense of My reality, as the Triune God. The chief feature of that Reality is Grace, that is offered, illogically, because of My death, as Jesus. Grace negates the law of karma… that you must answer for and pay for all of your sins and shortcomings. Grace is the positive gift. If have done it for you. Just accept the gift, and live, fully and radiantly.

This is sufficient enlightenment for most Christians, but I, the Holy Spirit, decided to increase yours with the gift of My rather obvious Presence. I speak, and I have told you to write. You hear, and you do write. And from these Teachings comes more enlightenment. I interpret Scripture for you, making it more relevant. I urge you to be more aware and to appreciate more, that of which you are aware.

THURS., AUG. 26, 1993, 6:20 AM

Enlightenment is a perfectly good term, but it is more associated with Eastern religion and philosophy than with Western Christianity. This is too bad, because its focus is on the important concept of “light”, and I like to be identified with the light. When it is light you can see, and when you are enlightened you understand, better, how this earth life is part of a much more extensive whole.

In the Hindu tradition, as you understand it, enlightenment means that you see earth life as a maya, which translates to . . .

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