Entropy And Me

NOV. 8, 1980, 7:23 AM

Yes, o son, I did purpose for you to read this book, and include its implications in your study. It does have some fascinating parallels to your Future I & II concept, and it certainly calls for what you are calling “ecological thinking”. Now you must develop the spiritual implications of this… and, particularly, how entropy relates to Me. Hear My observations on this beautiful, warm morning.

First, it may seem strange to consider that the earth that I created is one that is “running down”. If I created it, shouldn’t it be eternally self-renewing? I have not directly purposed for this to happen, but I have allowed it because it has been a human development… and humans are one of My greatest creations. The “Fall” involved gaining knowledge. I could have forced humans to remain bound to Me in the Garden, but the way I and they chose has been more fun… and more tragic.

The Enlightenment (an ironic term) and the Scientific Revolution are the most modern counterparts of the Fall. Western humans emerged from dependence on Me and struck out on their own to “develop” My earth. It has brought some good but also much destruction. The Preacher foretold it best – “for everything there is a season”… “there is nothing new under the sun”. In fact, of course, there are new developments, but in principle it is not new that the solution to a problem may create new problems or that humans destroy some thing or some place and then move on.

The major difference, now, is the great number of humans that inhabit this Earth and the increasing expectations of so many of you. As this book says and you know the Earth cannot sustain both numbers and aspirations. Now numbers must be reduced and aspirations changed. Note that I do not say that aspirations should be diminished. I desire high aspirations, but now is the time to effect a shift from the material to the spiritual.

In terms relevant to your profession good health shall increasingly include attitudes of conservation, use of muscle power, appreciation of and stewardship toward the earth… and service to Me and to ones fellow humans. You see, I didn’t purpose all this use, waste, and “running down”, but it shall bring, to many, experiences spiritual that are pleasing to Me. It is an ultimate purpose of Mine that humans feel and share spiritual experiences and that they serve others rather than themselves. This may seem an odd way to achieve this good, but it may be an effective one.

NOV. 8, 1980, 7:23 AM

Yes, o son, I did purpose for you to read this book, and include its implications in your study. It does have some fascinating parallels to your Future I & II concept, and it certainly calls for what you are calling “ecological thinking”. Now you must develop the spiritual implications of this… and, particularly, how entropy relates to Me. Hear My observations on this beautiful, warm morning.

First, it may seem strange to consider that the earth that I created is one that is “running down”. If I created it, shouldn’t . . .

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