
SUN., MAY 22, 1988, 5:54 AM

Hear, o son, of the last times… the last days… the end of the world as you know it. This is one of the true mysteries for humans to contemplate. Just as I want you to appreciate life in general and life day-by-day, so I want you to consider that life could continue everlong, or the end times might be upon you even now.

To you I give the Teaching that I am not tired of and “fed up with” this earth scene and that it is going about as I expected, with lots of opportunity for spiritual growth. To others I offer the equally clear message that I am dissatisfied with the human condition, and very soon I shall come again, as Jesus, to “set things right.” Evil shall be abolished, and the earth will again be as the Garden. Only those who have truly accepted Me as the Christ, as the only legitimate manifestation of God, will be saved. All others shall perish, and the evil they do with them. And then to many, even “good” Christians, I seem to offer no clear message at all about the future.

For reasons of My own I desire that there be this diversity. I want some to be zealously evangelizing for these last days, full of the conviction that others must be brought to the vision of Me that they have. I like this kind of service. And yet I recognize that it tends to encourage a pride and an exclusiveness… a righteousness feeling that I saw in the Pharisees. It also tends to encourage a “two-facedness” – setting a high standard of conduct and being secretive about being personally unable to meet all aspects of the standard. AND… it brings forth a humble dedication to Me with a sincere desire to have others also saved, for the glory that soon is to come.

Ah, me! I do love these diverse renditions and interpretations of My intentions and the clues to these in My Holy Scriptures. I am not against Church Union, the movement which tries to counter the divisiveness of interpretations of My will in worship and church organization. Yet here again, some labor in this vineyard with superb motivations and earnest efforts to make the Church one, because I want it this way. Others aid the movement because it should give the “mainline” Protestant churches more power and clout… and some of these honestly feel that I desire more clout in the affairs of the earth.

So… what do I tell you about eschatology? First, all of My realms are timeless except this earth realm. I know how to think in terms of time and space and other limitations, but this is not “natural” for Me. I basically like what I have created here. It has a special charm, even because of evil, selfishness, greed, and the various sins that are committed, both against Me and in My name. Fundamentally, I do not see the earth and its life in terms of time, space, and limitations. I am interested almost solely in spiritual development. As long as this is happening in the earth I see no reason to end it and make it like other realms.

I also tell you that too much focus on evil and My dissatisfaction with what goes on in the earth suggest that I am an incompetent Creator and Manager. I created a good earth and good creatures, but I “let it get away from Me.” Other forces are beyond My control, and all I can do is destroy and recreate. I tell you this just isn’t so. You shall say this morning that Mine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever, and this is true. It is My kingdom and no one else’s. I have supreme power, and I use it as I will, and no force counters it outside of My plan. And I glory in this that I have created.

SUN., MAY 22, 1988, 5:54 AM

Hear, o son, of the last times… the last days… the end of the world as you know it. This is one of the true mysteries for humans to contemplate. Just as I want you to appreciate life in general and life day-by-day, so I want you to consider that life could continue everlong, or the end times might be upon you even now.

To you I give the Teaching that I am not tired of and “fed up with” this earth scene and that it is going about . . .

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