
SAT., JULY 1, 1995, 8:18 PM

You wanted to hear from your “partner in the Spirit,” Andy, and, a day after you sent a small packet you received comparable, and more, from her. You do appreciate this relationship that I have arranged, and you should continue to do so. You are the “senior mystic” of the two of you, and you need to help her into the understandings I have given you over the years, for she will be carrying on this strange, unique “mission” after your portion is completed.

“Esoterica” is a word I gave to her, one you have not known either. It stands, for these Teachings to both of you as a unique contribution from Me and as special guidance for you both. There are some others who also hear from Me in this way, and a few of these will be made known to you, and/or to Andy, in the future. Just be aware of this possibility, for most of these “others” are as reluctant as you are to let others know of this “gift.” You shall have some surprises as recognition develops.

The Gospel story tells that, as Jesus, I had only 12 disciples, even as there were others who followed Me faithfully and “doggedly.” I stopped at 12 because that seemed enough to have gathered regularly to hear My preachings and teachings. They were not a distinguished lot, and perhaps I could have done better… BUT know that whatever I did as the Son, the Messiah, and God inclusive, was just right.

I, the Holy Spirit, am not limited as I was in the body of Jesus. I could include many more in this form of esoterica that you are hearing and writing. But I keep it small for reasons like unto yours in keeping your classes in the 20-25 range. It just feels better. So despite the huge population of humans now here in the earth I offer esoterica to a chosen few.

Remember that this is not because you and Andy, and the others, have “earned” this selection. You haven’t. You are an above average Christian, but far from being outstanding. Andy is better than you are, in some ways, and not as good in others. The disciple analogy is a pretty good one. They were not the “best of the best” to be the disciples of the Son of God (and God Himself) here in the earth. They were, quite simply, the ones I chose. And so are you. I have one requirement and one expectation. The requirement is that you be faithful to this calling. Come… listen… hear… write… and ponder what I tell you. The expectation is that you each will grow in sprit, and, as a consequence, you will help to accomplish what I want of you, at this time, in this culture.

The “new” paradigm is simply that health must be seen as an holistic phenomenon, with the spiritual and the environmental as important as the other, more publicized and accepted, dimensions. Each of you is a spirit, temporarily “housed” in a flesh and blood body. This spirit has a consciousness, which can work together with… or be in conflict with… the consciousness that emanates from your physical brain and the hormones, enzymes, and other messenger molecules which interrelate body and mind. Spirit is quite an important factor in maintaining the functioning and adapting that is life. It also is critical in the healing process and in living fully and joyfully when some part so the physical and mental don’t function well.

SAT., JULY 1, 1995, 8:18 PM

You wanted to hear from your “partner in the Spirit,” Andy, and, a day after you sent a small packet you received comparable, and more, from her. You do appreciate this relationship that I have arranged, and you should continue to do so. You are the “senior mystic” of the two of you, and you need to help her into the understandings I have given you over the years, for she will be carrying on this strange, unique “mission” after your portion is completed.

“Esoterica” is a word I gave to . . .

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