Eternal, Everlasting Life… Again

SAT., MAY 31, 1997, 6:38 AM

I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, love diversity. We created diversity, and this is even represented in our Three in One nature. There is diversity here in the earth, and there is even more in the realms of spirit… where much of life is. It is not important that everyone believe alike… that everyone have the same spiritual experiences. It is important that each of you be aware of the spiritual path you’re on, predestined or by choice.

You see, I tell you I much prefer both/and perceptions over either/or ones… and then I tell you that I both cause and allow some to think in either/or ways and can love them for their stubborn holding to a view of life as the “only one”. As a microcosm this class on Human/Spiritual Interacting, just completed, had much diversity, and yet quite a willingness to hear of the paths of others.

I say you should be, outwardly and actively, a Presbyterian Christian. This means that you acknowledge Me as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Creator and Sustainer of life as you know it. It means you should live life according to the Commandments AND My Teachings as Jesus. Oh, you will sin as you can’t follow all of these “guidelines” perfectly, but you accept that I, as Jesus, “sinned”… and yet didn’t. I gave up My earth life so that you could be comparably saved from the consequences of sin. This is called Grace, and it is mystical. It goes against justice for Me to take your sins with Me on the cross. It goes against reason that I could have done this for you nearly 2,000 years before you were even born.

Thus, you are still a Presbyterian, but you are departing from the reasonable way of thinking that characterizes this group of Christians. You are to be a mystical Presbyterian, which is close to being an oxymoron. You are to accept that I am very much alive, even as Good Friday proclaims, each year, that My physical body died, and I was buried in a cave/tomb. I have eternal, everlasting life, and what’s Mine is also yours, so you, too, have continuing life, in the spirit. There is no evidence that I have returned to bodily life in the earth, but this still is expected… though not, truly, by many Presbyterians.

As Jesus I was fully developed spiritually, and yet I still learned from My earth experience. You are not fully developed, and so I continue to urge you to become more aware of spirit and to appreciate relationships between this earth life, which has been for 71 years now and has only a few more to be, and the spiritual life which lasts as long as you have need for some individuality. You have come from Me, Holy Spirit, and, eventually, you shall return to become a part of Me. The analogy of a drop of water falling into the ocean is an apt one. You give up your individuality, as a well-developed soul, to become an indistinguishable “part”, from whence you originally came.

Are you still Presbyterian? Well, not very, but this group of Christians needs diversity, too. You should have no fear of death, nor even reluctance to have this experience… that you have had before, but just don’t remember. You should look forward to clear perceptions of how your longer spiritual life has been and how your karma is, after this present life. Accepting My Grace has completed your contract for an A, but you still could opt for more opportunities to serve… and to develop that saved spirit even further (both/and, remember) before merging back into Me.

SAT., MAY 31, 1997, 6:38 AM

I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, love diversity. We created diversity, and this is even represented in our Three in One nature. There is diversity here in the earth, and there is even more in the realms of spirit… where much of life is. It is not important that everyone believe alike… that everyone have the same spiritual experiences. It is important that each of you be aware of the spiritual path you’re on, predestined or by choice.

You see, I tell you I much prefer both/and . . .

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