Eternal Life

FRI., AUG. 29, 1997, 6:55 AM

You are quite aware that Christianity… your religion… includes the premise of eternal, everlasting life, but not that of reincarnation. Christian doctrine says that as you were conceived you were “given” a soul, by Me, and this soul would be immortal. The purpose of this one life, the only one you can have, is to accept Me as your Creator God and Me, as the Christ, Whose death and resurrection gives you eternal life… with Us. This acceptance negates sins you have committed but also is the means by which you commit fewer sins as you live your one earth life.

As you die, as a human person, you are judged, by Me, the Triune God as to the quality of your acceptance of My grace and on the way you lived your life, in terms of My Commandments and other admonitions about earth life. The judgment is either/or. You spend eternity in heaven, with Me, or in hell, apart from Me. There are few details in Holy Scripture about what this eternal life is like… just the suggestion that heaven is much better than hell.

There is a longer “tradition” in the earth, however, and I have led some Christians to see this as truth. It is more of a both/and perspective. Once the soul that is the essence of you is created it is on a journey of growth and development. Its creation gives it “potential” that needs developing. One quite unique realm that I have created is the earth, with tangible, incarnated life, with the human being the highest form. (This is the result of both My creative capacities and evolution or development over earth time.)

I have created, and intend, many paths toward spiritual maturity. Some souls never incarnate into a human body. Some have only one life here in the earth. Others of you find this to be a challenging realm and you “come often”. Earth is a unique realm in several ways, one of which is the apparent reality of time. Other realms are timeless, in the linear sense. That is, “how many hours… months… years?” are meaningless questions. But many of you incarnated in the earth, are quite aware of how old you are, how many years you have lived, how long does it take to… Life is almost circumscribed by time. And your culture has “over-idolized” human life, as if it is all there is.

The development of your immortal soul is a both/and process… one of effort on your part and grace, that I give as assistance. The development takes place in the earth AND in other spiritual realms. As I’ve told you often, the earth is quite a challenging realm, one in which much growth can take place, but also one in which growth can be stunted and reduced.

The life you are living now was “selected” by you and Me as a good challenge, but not a fierce one. You were given opportunities. You took advantage of some of these, and you created others. You accepted My Grace, and that is always a “boost” toward maturity. Yes, o son, “where karma ends and grace begins” is an important statement. With grace you don’t have to balance all of your karmic debts, but you may do so, out of love and appreciation.

There are many ways to make the Christian journey… and there are other paths, as well. I have offered you quite a special one, that of a Christian mystic, Presbyterian, yet. You have accepted, and We have had a good and productive relationship during this mature portion of your life… and it should continue.

FRI., AUG. 29, 1997, 6:55 AM

You are quite aware that Christianity… your religion… includes the premise of eternal, everlasting life, but not that of reincarnation. Christian doctrine says that as you were conceived you were “given” a soul, by Me, and this soul would be immortal. The purpose of this one life, the only one you can have, is to accept Me as your Creator God and Me, as the Christ, Whose death and resurrection gives you eternal life… with Us. This acceptance negates sins you have committed but also is the means by which you . . .

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