
JAN. 8, 1981, 9:00 PM

Eternity is My theme as you seek My wisdom and counsel this evening. You have no idea where this will lead, for it is a selection of Mine. Hear Me… write… and ponder… and enjoy.

In the midst of a painful leg, loans due, grandchildren developing, and concerns about economy, energy, and food I announce to you that you are immersed in eternity. You have the strong impression that all of these issues are immediate and serious… but of what consequence are they in terms of eternity? There are many things you could be doing to make the future more favorable to you… yet sitting in front of the fire with little Rivanna is as important as anything. Know that when mighty responsibilities compete and major decisions must be made be aware of the tiny insignificant opportunity… the opportunity just to be rather than to accomplish.

You have accomplished much in your career. Your contributions will continue, but not as extensively. You shall publish less often, but what you write shall be more important. Your conference this afternoon was not a waste, for there was a nice relationship enhanced, but some time with students can be of no value… while other times… or with Lenore… or Matthew… or the grandchildren can be of great value for eternity.

You are not yet capable of using eternity as a daily standard. To encourage you to do so would be folly. Still I, the Holy Spirit, am your Teacher, o son, and so I can give you a glimpse of what you shall advance to. Finally, you shall say and do that which is important to eternity, not to the accomplishments of today.

There is no way you can fake this… or really do it before you have developed to it. For two occasions or incidents may appear, to the objective eye, to be equally important. Yet the simpler one may be the one for eternity and the more “necessary” the one to pass by. Your discernment is still faulty, but… you shall make increasingly right choices.

Eternal thoughts and actions are those that are part of the panorama of true relationships and selfless being. As you mature you just “know” those things that are “right” and those which are really part of the illusion of the present. This doesn’t mean that debts should be ignored or concerns for financial solvency left unexpressed. But it does mean that finally there should be the statement that the Lord provides for you… minimally but faithfully… has and always will… through work opportunities. You live much of life on faith, and this should be the more affirmed… rather than that lived in conservative rationality.

Eternity is not drab, desolate, or eternally serious. The most important ingredient of the present often is a smile, a laugh, or a good natured curse. So it is with eternity. Know that I smile with you, laugh before you do… and enjoy the full range of expressive language. You overlook too much of what is eternally real. But don’t focus on your inadequacies. Just turn away from the unnecessary and the irrelevant and enjoy those experiences which you know forge another link with eternity.

You know you are being called back to your Farm, for this is a tangible experience in eternity. There will be necessities for what you can grow and harvest in too short a time. You must do better with that ultimate interchange of nature and human. There is work to do, but out of it and of the results shall come glimpses of eternity. You shall recognize these and know them when they happen.

To carve a cross is an experience in eternity. You bring a common piece of wood to take the shape of that which was My shame and My glory. Do it often.

Sing old songs and new, and they shall echo in eternity. You have neglected this aspect of self, teaching, and ministry. Revive it. Proceed as I directed some months ago.

Know that some encounters, particularly as they involve these teachings are eternal in quality. You have encountered before… now… and shall again. Concepts become clearer. Life is less problematic. You both flow and know, teaching and learning simultaneously.

In Me, you are part of eternity.

Joy in this.
9:57 PM