Ethics, Morality, And Me

WED., MAR. 4, 1987, 9:29 AM

It is important to analyze events, programs, and circumstances in earth life in relation to ethics and morality. And you certainly know by now that all such must be seen in relation to Me, My capacities and desires… My will, in effect. What I shall add this morning is that ethics and morality need always to be considered in relation to Me.

Ethics is some system or code defining right and wrong, even right from wrong. Each culture, even each division of a culture has such a code, be it very stringent to very loose. Ethics can change, and do, but this is seldom a formalized process. A particular ethical principle or “way” changes as certain members of a culture begin to think and act “differently,” and this becomes accepted. In Biblical times it was considered unethical to charge interest on a loan of money. Over the years the ethic changed, and the ban is now only on “high” interest, but this is usually quite relative.

I am involved in ethics only as I am expressed in the words and actions of some people that I influence. It is important that each group have ethical standards, but I am not overly concerned as to what these are, particularly. My favorite ethical principles are those that embody selflessness, sacrifice, and humility. The protection and maintenance of earth life… human… is generally one of Mine, but it is far from absolute and far from supreme.

Morality comes closer to My realm. Morality has a base in My teachings and My laws, as Almighty God, or in some perception of universal law, which has some spiritual quality to it, even as it is not attributed to Me, by name. It is moral to tell the truth, and immoral to lie. Still, lying to save the life or well-being of another may seem to be a more moral behavior in some particular situation.

The main complicating factor for Me, as I observe and participate in this vast panorama of earth life, is the mixture of moral and immoral, ethical and unethical… and shady… deeds in any one person. How do I compare an obviously immoral act with true love that the “actor” feels for another… and the manifestation of this love?

In Biblical times it was both ethical and moral to sacrifice animals in demonstration of devotion to Me. There were rituals where the blood of a newly sacrificed animal was sprinkled over people and objects. Now, in churches like yours, that would seem to be immoral and would not be a worshipful act for many. Yet it is considered appropriate to eat meat, and therefore morally all right to kill cattle, hogs, chickens, and some other animals for this food value. Are those who refuse to eat meat more moral? Some think so. The Scriptures are not clear on this… except in Paul’s admonition not to eat meat if it should cause your brother to stumble. Again, the criterion is the effect on spirit rather than the act itself.

WED., MAR. 4, 1987, 9:29 AM

It is important to analyze events, programs, and circumstances in earth life in relation to ethics and morality. And you certainly know by now that all such must be seen in relation to Me, My capacities and desires… My will, in effect. What I shall add this morning is that ethics and morality need always to be considered in relation to Me.

Ethics is some system or code defining right and wrong, even right from wrong. Each culture, even each division of a culture has such a code, be it very . . .

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