Eulogy For A Warrior

SAT., FEB. 1, 1992, 6:53 AM

The unexpected invitation came for you to compose and then offer a eulogy for Russ, the “fallen warrior.” It was a challenge, but I helped you, both in the ideas and the delivery. You were pleased, many of those there were, and so was I. Hear now some more words about those called warriors.

First, hear a direct truth to which I have often alluded. Human beings are not equal in My sight. Yet there is equality in opportunity to please Me and get My attention. And, of course, each soul is on a spiritual path, evident or not, that leads back to Me or off on some tangent. Yet the inequality is not predictable by humans… even by interpretation of Holy Scripture. I have mercy when, where, how, and with whom I please.

You know that I surely prefer peace to war, but, occasionally, there is a legitimate season for war. Wars do not fundamentally change circumstances always for the good, but they “shake things up,” so that new balances may occur. There are evils that need to be put down, and war, even with its inherent evils, can sometimes do this.

Hence, as I had you discern, there are some humans destined to be warriors. The ancient Hindu tradition had a warrior caste, and that fine story, the Bhagavad Gita, tells the story of My relationship, as the Lord Krishna, with the warrior Arjuna. (Know that it was not chance that you took that course at Stanford these many years ago, acquainting you with the Hindu tradition.) In the Christian tradition there were knights, who fought for honor, and your culture has had its share of military heroes, many of whom were true warriors.

Your recent study of the life of David gave you the insight that he was one of My especially chosen warriors. His warrior leadership was necessary to unite My Hebrew people. And he also wrote beautiful Psalms and ruled in gentle, fair ways. It was good that you included the analogy to David, even as you could have done it a bit more skillfully.

Yes, Russ was one in that warrior tradition. And therefore I do judge him differently than others who exit from bodily life so suddenly. The motivations of warriors just are somewhat different than those who are not of this “calling.”

Being a warrior, however, is not an all-or-none condition. You realize that you have some of that spirit, even as you were never in combat. Strange, isn’t it, that this warrior spirit is obviously present, yet it has never been manifested, except in athletic competition?! Even as you forgot to allude to yourself as some sort of warrior in your eulogy, you could not have said what you did, with the spirit that was evident, without some of that internal feeling and realization.

Russ ended this earth life with a bullet. It was “premature,” and yet he had lived three score and ten years, which symbolizes that his death was not Scripturally and absolutely premature. He came into closer relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, than he had had on earth as Russ. Yes, he could have lived longer and productively, but I also, on that day, observed other spirits, some of them warriors also, remaining in useless bodies, kept alive by medical care that many assume I favor and applaud fully. Not so.

SAT., FEB. 1, 1992, 6:53 AM

The unexpected invitation came for you to compose and then offer a eulogy for Russ, the “fallen warrior.” It was a challenge, but I helped you, both in the ideas and the delivery. You were pleased, many of those there were, and so was I. Hear now some more words about those called warriors.

First, hear a direct truth to which I have often alluded. Human beings are not equal in My sight. Yet there is equality in opportunity to please Me and get My attention. And, of course, each soul . . .

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