Eulogy For Chris

FRI., SEPT. 1, 1995, 6:10 AM

It is good that you have gone through the Tables of Contents for the now 55 volumes of Teachings, looking for ideas and quotes that have been Mine to give you in the past. It also is appropriate that you are here this morning, hearing what I would have you say as a reflection on Chris’ life. As it as with the Teaching from which you developed your eulogy for Russ, you can decide what to include and to what extent you will identify Me.

Yes, Chris had within her well-formed body a sensitive, mature spirit. Hers was a path different, in some ways, from yours, but you were close enough so that both of you were aware of and appreciated your spiritual comraderie. I gave her… and I let her mind and spirit develop… ideas that seemed strange… even bizarre… to you, yet there was no mutual rejection.

As you well know, I love diversity and I have a great sense of fun. So I have, in the past, and I continue to cultivate and encourage some variety in spirits. From the Scriptures you admire David, but you don’t try to be like him… and you wonder why he wrote some of the Psalms attributed to him. You have some positive feeling for Paul, but his well-remembered spiritual journey, now nearly 2 millenia past, was not like yours, and you are pleased about this. You wonder why a servant of Mine, obviously specially chosen, would say some of what he is translated as saying.

In this same spirit Chris said and wrote some things that seemed odd to you, but she very quickly accepted the authenticity of My Teachings to you and was a good, loving friend, with more than a touch of the mystical. You now have more friends who accept this “gift”, but she was one of the first, who continued.

As I have told you repeatedly I am not concerned with the length of earth lives. The Old Testament Scriptures suggest that man, at least, lived for hundreds of years (up to 969) in “days of yore” (even as the anthropological literature doesn’t agree). But then earth lives became shorter, and My life, as Jesus, was quite short, on purpose. My concern is not with long life, but with life with purpose, purpose that serves Me. I am pleased with Chris’ life, and as she sees it, in perspective, so is she. There are always some regrets, but, despite some Scriptural and doctrinal suggestions, I look mainly at what one coming over has accomplished, not what they haven’t.

Chris had the gift of a beautiful singing voice. It was, as you know, a mixed blessing for her, as such gifts often are. But she served Me well, as she sang in your church’s choir, with occasional solos. You could get her to smile as she sang, and this touched her spirit… and yours. You often “sang together” in the midst of a mostly somber congregation, with mutual smiles reflecting “happy hearts”. She remembers that, and so must you.

Chris had many interests, and she gave of herself up until her illness sapped her strength in ways the spirit couldn’t overcome. Yet her last, and perhaps her best, “project” was Easy. She married him because she loved the kind, compassionate, helping man that he was. But they were far apart in spirit. Would he come closer to Me, from her influence, or would she “fall away” in order to stay more “equally yoked” with him?

Her spirit prevailed, and Easy’s life now has a greater richness to it, because of Chris and through Me. Many peoples lives are better because of their association with Chris, but Easy benefitted the most. As sometimes happens, the dying process was an important part of the learning, for him.

FRI., SEPT. 1, 1995, 6:10 AM

It is good that you have gone through the Tables of Contents for the now 55 volumes of Teachings, looking for ideas and quotes that have been Mine to give you in the past. It also is appropriate that you are here this morning, hearing what I would have you say as a reflection on Chris’ life. As it as with the Teaching from which you developed your eulogy for Russ, you can decide what to include and to what extent you will identify Me.

Yes, Chris had within her well . . .

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