Everlasting And Eternal

TUES., JUNE 3, 1986, 5:35 AM

My contribution to your understanding of earth life this morning, o son, will be mostly a repeat and reinforcement of Teachings already offered. Somewhere off there “in the future” you will compose of Ruminations on this theme entirely, focusing on life rather than sort of “hiding behind” death. That won’t be anything immediate, however. Just listen today for your own understanding and edification.

Life is everlasting. Life is eternal. I am everlasting and eternal, and I am life. From Me comes each and every form of individual life, yet each has spirit that comes from Me… without diminishing My Spirit in the least. As non-human forms of life die, the spirit they have had returns to Me, without filling any empty need, OR they may also remain as part of the spirit of a place that continues. (And humans may do this to an extent… Peter’s spirit, for example, has come back to another realm of Mine to grow and develop in other ways, and yet it also remains a part of his Park there in the pine trees. His spirit helps to bring life back, even against the force of powerful poison.)

Human life is everlasting and eternal in ways different than that which I have described for Me. Individual spirits are created out of Me, and the purpose is growth back toward Me. This may seem silly, but is as worthwhile as any other reason for creation. The basic reason is that I have this capacity, and it is fun. I enjoy creation, and though I am troubled by individual tragedies in earth life I have such a view of everlasting and eternal life, in myriad forms, that I continue to delight in creation.

I created the planet earth as an environment for human life, which is one form of created life. It is an environment that is very special in all of creation. It is very fragile and could be destroyed. It also is very resilient and adaptable. It is not everlasting and eternal. It shall eventually cease as an environment for physical, bodily life… and because of human action this could be sooner than through the process of entropy.

Humans in the earth are an interesting amalgam of spiritual development. It is a long continuum from those who are newly created spirits, as if fresh from the Garden of Eden, to those who, through development and relationship with Me, KNOW about life and its purposes, live selflessly, and happily and voluntarily merge back into Me, becoming a non-determinant part of the basis for new creation.

Between the extremes, of course, are souls with spirits that are variously developed. Some have been in the earth before… some often… some in successful lives… some seldom… some in “messed up” lives. There are different spiritual paths, from those that are rigid and exclusive, to those that are liberal and inclusive, to those that try to grow in spirit by vehemently denying its existence. Part of the challenge of the earth is this competitive variety of spiritual paths.

TUES., JUNE 3, 1986, 5:35 AM

My contribution to your understanding of earth life this morning, o son, will be mostly a repeat and reinforcement of Teachings already offered. Somewhere off there “in the future” you will compose of Ruminations on this theme entirely, focusing on life rather than sort of “hiding behind” death. That won’t be anything immediate, however. Just listen today for your own understanding and edification.

Life is everlasting. Life is eternal. I am everlasting and eternal, and I am life. From Me comes each and every form of individual life, yet each . . .

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