Everlasting Life

TUES., FEB. 7, 1984, 5:45 AM

You had a feeling, o son, as you awoke early that the Teaching this morning might be on this theme. It was, and is, a mixed feeling… one of honest anticipation and also of apprehension. You know the truth of which We speak this new day, and yet you know that this sets you apart from, even at odds with, most other Christians, including Mabel and others in your own family. You realize that it is not your task to bring others to this truth, but simply to know it and use it to advantage in your own life. And when some wish to know how this interpretation fits with the orthodox Christian faith you may be of service to such.

You have a right to ask why, if everlasting life is truth as I have allowed you to know it to be, it is not clearly communicated in the Holy Scriptures. The reasons are Mine, and it is not for you to know this. I realize that this answer is not in the spirit of “ask and it shall be given to you”… “seek and you shall find”. Nevertheless, this is My answer to you now.

I do not deny the truth that some of this everlasting life may be lived in the earth, even again… and again. The basic principle is simple: I want each soul to come to Me in a way that allows, even guarantees, true communion. I made a major contribution to this in My life as Jesus, the Christ, with My offering of grace… a free gift… a free pass into My side, with Me paying the price. This is an important way, and many have taken advantage of My offer… you being one.

But humankind, true to My creative creation, is too diverse for one approach to be sufficient. There are two major reasons why simple grace does not suffice. One… a person is not sufficiently mature spiritually to accept this gift in the spirit in which it is given. This may be evidenced by complete lack of interest, by reluctance to believe and a seeking after other truth, even a militance in wanting to live a perfect life, worthy of this gift (and demanding that others do the same… latter day Pharisees). It is as if someone were offering you a most fine gift, and you feel unworthy… or skeptical… or something other than earnestly and lovingly receptive. The end of earth life comes. The gift has not been accepted.

Spiritual life continues, of course, and My offer is not withdrawn. Some can come to embrace Me in a spiritual realm, and this is pleasing to Me. Others, however, need to return to the earth as a realm in which to grow spiritually… and do. When one finally comes to me, with a spirit developed enough to receive My grace it matters not “how long” this has taken, for, as I have told you, time is an apparent reality only in the earth, and even then, only in some cultures.

The other reason is that, having accepted My grace, a soul may want to serve others with a new enlightened spirit. And the earth is one magnificent arena of service. It is a test of the maturity that has made possible the acceptance. It is “safer” to stay in spiritual realms, but I do love those who want to return and serve, even as I did as Jesus.

TUES., FEB. 7, 1984, 5:45 AM

You had a feeling, o son, as you awoke early that the Teaching this morning might be on this theme. It was, and is, a mixed feeling… one of honest anticipation and also of apprehension. You know the truth of which We speak this new day, and yet you know that this sets you apart from, even at odds with, most other Christians, including Mabel and others in your own family. You realize that it is not your task to bring others to this truth, but simply to know . . .

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