Excess… Again

THURS., JUNE 15, 2000, 6:33 AM

Yesterday was a day in which you controlled yourself, somewhat excessively. Then came the evening, and, as you expected, you had lots of beer… and then a “strong drink” when you were home. You feel that this was excess, because you’re not feeling comfortable with your actions… and your feelings.

You looked forward, mildly, to this time when Lenore would be gone, but you miss her, and hence your life is not comfortable… and you want it to be so. I recommend an “excess” of sobriety for the rest of the week. The time that Lenore is away is now about “half-spent”. Just get to the tasks that both you and I have assigned, and get yourself into a more normal, comfortable rhythm.

As I have told you, in several ways, I agree with the wisdom of “Everything in moderation… including moderation”. There is some virtue in being moderate, but then I say that there are times when some excess is preferable, even wiser. You are showing excess in coming for a Teaching every day this week (if you continue as you are), and I applaud this. And I now call on you to finish the “neatening” of this study AND get to writing Our Ruminations. This month is now half-gone, and it should be easier to “be productive” in this way when you are alone.

I liked the muse on your life that was a “worthwhile accomplishment” yesterday. Be sure and “do it” for Lenore when she returns. Times of musing and contemplation should not yet be excessive, but, now, you need more of this/these. It is good for you to see how your life has been and to be aware, and appreciate, that I have been guiding you, even before these Teachings. And, I’ll say again (excessively?) that there was and is no great “cosmic reason” for this. I just picked you, in the spirit of fun.

Times of excess can be troublesome, but don’t let this be excessive. Learn what you can from the experiences, balance your life again, but then be wary of excessive moderation. As you read of Me, as Yahweh God, in Deuteronomy, you conclude that I have My excesses… and, perhaps, in My ecological dilemma, I am being excessively lenient with you humans and your excesses and profligate life styles. Your culture almost sees every death as excessive, which reflects excessive value on human life. This is not easy to change, and many “good Christians” feel that such an excess is warranted. Do I need to give this dilemma more attention? I’ll decide when the time is right.

Someone could say, in this summer season, that the trees around this Farmhouse are excessive. You see it as a desirable excess, remembering the times that you planted, on bare ground, hoping for some excess.

( 7:17 AM / 12:13 PM. Office Pulliam)

You just have gone through what seemed to be excessive testing of your eyes and their capacity for vision. And now the recommendation is for laser treatments, starting tomorrow. You don’t want to lose your sight, but you can’t know whether this treatment (or series of treatments) will actually slow the process or just be another form of excess. Your “plan” for the rest of this earth life is to live it fully, with a minimum of medical treatment (and you realize you have several conditions that “require” treatment, in the “medical model”) Hence you must decide, this afternoon, whether you will keep the appointment… or cancel it for a postponement.

You realize that the weird vision you are experiencing now is a result of this “medical intervention” of testing. You would not want your normal vision to be this poor… BUT… you are still able to write what you hear Me “say”, and that must always be a prime criterion.

THURS., JUNE 15, 2000, 6:33 AM

Yesterday was a day in which you controlled yourself, somewhat excessively. Then came the evening, and, as you expected, you had lots of beer… and then a “strong drink” when you were home. You feel that this was excess, because you’re not feeling comfortable with your actions… and your feelings.

You looked forward, mildly, to this time when Lenore would be gone, but you miss her, and hence your life is not comfortable… and you want it to be so. I recommend an “excess” of sobriety for the rest of . . .

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