Excess… And A Beautiful Day

TUES., DEC. 15, 1998, 6:20 AM

Yes, truly, yesterday was a beautiful, late-Fall day, one that you enjoyed thoroughly. There was a nice balance of accomplishment and musing. It was not a wasted day… but in one sense it was. This “unique” combination brought you to this place… not a regular place for a Teaching, but one warmer than your study… for this encounter with Me, Holy Spirit.

You mused that this is quite a beautiful place to be, in this last portion of your earth life. And you mused about your Meditation Garden as a proper, desirable place to die, rather than in your bed, or, worse yet, in a hospital or nursing home. Yes, there are better and worse ways to make the transition out of the body and back to “spirit status”. You hope this apparently desirable way will be yours to choose and act out. In contrast with your culture’s predominant “perception” I say that death is quite an important and memorable part of life. Just as the dusk you “participated in” yesterday was a truly fine part of that day, so is death, if you’re privileged to “do it right”.

It could be said that the day We’re recalling had an “excess” of beauty. It did, but the term is usually not used in this way. Yet I do like the admonition, “Moderation in all things, including moderation”. You know that, in some ways and circumstances I approve of excess.

Hear My comments now on the excess that was not so desirable… you drank too much. True… you were careful in the afternoon, for you knew you had some driving and lawn mowing to do. And your drinks mellowed you for the experience of the post-sunset dusk. Then the excess began. You wanted those good feelings to continue, but you lost control, without realizing such. You’re an experienced drinker of alcoholic beverages and concoctions, so you know this can happen, but you also know, from this and other experiences, that your capacity for control can become insufficient.

There was no catastrophic result… except awakening with a hangover… which I used to bring you to this pen and paper. (You know how adaptable I can be!) Yet, rightly, it is troubling, for you don’t like to lose control… and not realize that this has happened. Hence, you now “sentence yourself” to several days of sobriety, another, but more desirable, form of excess. This present “hungover” condition also reminds you of your high blood pressure, which could result in a stroke, an end-of-life state you want LEAST of all. (7:03 / 7:08) This is not a good way to be starting what shall be another beautiful day. Welcome the sunrise!

Excess, of course, can be a matter of judgment… and values. In your present political situation you see this whole impeachment process as excessive and not warranted by the actions. Yet staunch Republicans perceive that this is justice, with rather severe punishment deserved. I, as Almighty God, wasn’t a “good Republican” when I didn’t remove King David from office for “stealing” another man’s wife and arranging for her husband to be conveniently killed in battle. I continued to see him as a special favorite and the best king My people, the Jews, ever had. My, My… go back to the Bible and what guidance I give you!

Back in your quite cool study you see that you didn’t use that last dreary day to clean this desk and do something about the piles on the floor. You know you have an “excess of mess” here, and you don’t seem able to return this room to better order. Some excess of concern for this would be desirable. Moderation just isn’t sufficient.

In a few days it will be officially winter, and you wonder how harsh it will be. You added a bit to your dry firewood supply yesterday, but that could be consumed in another evening or two. You have an excess of cherry wood, but it still is rather green. You don’t like to cut wood in the summer, but fall is now virtually gone. I’m glad I’m not limited by time and space.

TUES., DEC. 15, 1998, 6:20 AM

Yes, truly, yesterday was a beautiful, late-Fall day, one that you enjoyed thoroughly. There was a nice balance of accomplishment and musing. It was not a wasted day… but in one sense it was. This “unique” combination brought you to this place… not a regular place for a Teaching, but one warmer than your study… for this encounter with Me, Holy Spirit.

You mused that this is quite a beautiful place to be, in this last portion of your earth life. And you mused about your Meditation Garden as a . . .

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