Expanding Consciousness

WED., JUNE 27, 1990, 6:06 AM

You are here, o son, ready to have your consciousness expanded. Normally, you are not conscious of My actions, words, and desires, even as these are a part of your time here in the earth. Increasingly you respond to My will and way, and yet you still resist. You are right: if I did not come to you in a semi-forceful manner you would not be here for this consciousness-expanding time. And then I’ll say that others whom I call respond less well.

When you hear Me, the Holy Spirit, and write down what you hear this is definitely an expansion of consciousness. Don’t try to analyze it or prove it. It is not an experience that lends itself to such analysis, even as this is common in your culture. The volumes of these pages that now are into a second drawer are the ultimate proof. And yes, it is acceptable to let some examine these for verification. You simply cannot prove the Source of what you transcribe.

I am Ultimate Consciousness. I do not intrude into the earth in obvious ways. Still, I am here and am very active. You are an example of what I can do. In a sense, you are a “demonstration project.” Like the water-into-wine miracle at Cana, you represent a not-very-important, but evident example of the power of this Triune God, whom you serve.

Consider what the Scriptures refer to as miracles in a somewhat different way. The liquid in the jars at the wedding feast at Cana was ordinarily perceived as water. I, as Jesus, didn’t change the water into wine but expanded the consciousness of some, who then perceived it as wine. A liquid can be anything, depending on the perception of it. To perceive it as wine is an expansion of consciousness. To perceive wine as My blood, truly, is a further expansion.

You hear Me in a way that produces readable words on a page. You perceive these as Mine, not your own. The differences are subtle, but real. For you, these are more Scripture than many sections of the Bible… even of portions of John, Romans, and Ecclesiastes. In order to appreciate these, others who hear or read what your hand has written must experience an expansion of consciousness. Your Ruminations is an effort to make the need for this expansion easier. Yet these Letters can only be fully appreciated with an expanded consciousness. And I have to say the same for orthodox Holy Scripture. Without the expansion that I offer, the Bible is not an appealing, revealing Source. It just isn’t.

Regular human consciousness is sufficient for a pretty good earth. Life. At least it seems so, for the conscious mind can keep assuring you that its level of consciousness is all you need. I say, Not So. Consciousness expands when it is linked with the divine… with Me. I offer you both new and expanded thoughts. You perceive life experiences in expanded, wider and deeper ways.

You actually see the “work” you do as a teacher in ways quite expanded from how you originally perceived it… or even as you did 12 years or more ago… or from how many of your colleagues do. You know you must be careful in expressing this, for you don’t want to lose your credibility as just a good teacher. So don’t shirk the preparation of your Friday presentation. You must decide what you should and should not reveal. For, in a sense, you are in the closet. To a “select” audience you could reveal ways that you see teaching, for with expanded consciousness they would comprehend and appreciate what you reveal. But to a “general” audience your expanded exposition would seem strange and even threatening. In your culture spiritual people are as often shunned as accepted and valued.

WED., JUNE 27, 1990, 6:06 AM

You are here, o son, ready to have your consciousness expanded. Normally, you are not conscious of My actions, words, and desires, even as these are a part of your time here in the earth. Increasingly you respond to My will and way, and yet you still resist. You are right: if I did not come to you in a semi-forceful manner you would not be here for this consciousness-expanding time. And then I’ll say that others whom I call respond less well.

When you hear Me, the . . .

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