
SAT., JAN. 17, 1998, 6:58 AM

Expectations are a good… and a frustrating… part of earth life. You had expected to have fully recovered from the sickness you picked up in California in late November. Your body has not used its healing and recovery powers as it usually does and as you expected. You’re experiencing a relapse or another infection, and this is unpleasant. So, set your expectations on recovery again. It’ll just be a bit longer.

Your expectations about retirement or Emeritus status (sorry!) were not very clear and definite, so it is hard to judge just how these are being fulfilled. It is not surprising, to Me or to you, that you have not withdrawn sharply from the University, that you still have an office, and that you will maintain some identity up there. I’m not pleased that you failed to initiate that student group that would consider spiritual aspects of health, using these Teachings as the basis for at least a monthly meeting. If you don’t do it this semester it will be almost impossible to organize, for the core of the group will have moved on, and you have no easy way to get to know the “new” students… and them to know you. I’m not commanding this, but certainly recommending. (I realize you’ll have to recover from this latest bout of ill-health first, of course.)

The rhythm of your “new life” is not yet established. The Ruminations “project” for the last quarter of last year took longer to start than you… and I… expected… and now there’s a delay in the printing. But this does give you time to bring the mailing list up-to-date, and you’ll be ready to mail them out by Tuesday. Then it shouldn’t be too long before you start on the first one for this quarter, for one month already will have been gone. I’ve given a suggestion. Consider how you can work from that.

I’m pressing you on this, but you seem to feel there still is too much that is “required” for this to be the rhythm that you expected. You haven’t had much time for contemplation or for the kind of reading you anticipated. And there should be time just to “putter”, as well as accomplish projects that you “list”. This place is not looking better now, as We expected it to. I can’t establish this new life style for you. You have to do it yourself. It’s not fun to just “drift” like this, but it can’t be over-organized either. Set your expectations for late Spring as a goal for having your semi-monk rhythm established and comfortable.

The aching pain in your left shoulder area is also bothersome, and you wonder about its cause. It probably is nothing serious, but it does push you, a bit, to consider your expectations about closure on this earth life and readiness for what comes next. I have allowed a wide range of ways for earth lives to end… from the well-planned and well executed to the sudden and unexpected. (My first extreme may seem inappropriate, but remember this way, My Way, as Jesus, knowing when and how it would happen and causing it to be “as it was to be”.) Another range, of course, is long, protracted pain that is difficult to bear to death, not only with no pain, but with joyful expectations.

Will the dying place be a familiar one or a strange, unfamiliar one (like a hospital bed)? Will you be alone… with strangers… or with at least some loved ones? Is it better to die alone or with some who will share in this transition? Your expectations, those you now have, are appropriate. You expect Me to be with you, as a primary Guide into the next life experience. There will be others, too, some you would expect, and some that you’ll re-recognize as you lose the restriction of this present life form.

SAT., JAN. 17, 1998, 6:58 AM

Expectations are a good… and a frustrating… part of earth life. You had expected to have fully recovered from the sickness you picked up in California in late November. Your body has not used its healing and recovery powers as it usually does and as you expected. You’re experiencing a relapse or another infection, and this is unpleasant. So, set your expectations on recovery again. It’ll just be a bit longer.

Your expectations about retirement or Emeritus status (sorry!) were not very clear and definite, so it is hard . . .

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