Experience With The Holy Spirit

SUNDAY, SEPT. 20, 1981, 7:18 AM

The presentation by Duane last night having to do with the Holy Spirit was careful, tentative, cautious, and pretty academic in relation to Me. You did not feel led, and I did not urge you, to share your personal experience. A time may come, even in these Saturday evenings, to do so… but not last night. In relation to many things and actions there is a certain conflict, and this is certainly true concerning Me. Much can be written about theories of Spirit… even about the experiences of Jacob and other olden characters. Then the writings and theories can be compared. And some people are satisfied with that.

Now I admit that I am largely to blame for this (though blame is not a concept that is appropriate to Me, really). I do not come to many persons as personally as I come to you, and with even fewer do I leave a record as clear as these teachings. I have My reasons for this; the answer to this is not part of this morning’s meditation.

But I do come to everyone in some form, some ways. All could have experiences with Me… if they would realize My personas and recognize My presence. Acknowledging Me and My Presence is a key factor. In your sophisticated world there are natural explanations for everything. Psychiatric explanations, useful for some disturbed persons, become the false explanation for some of My manifestations.

Basically, it is risky to believe in anything. Yet it is just not satisfying to the spirit (and each human does have a spirit) to believe in nothing. There are some strong individuals who believe in some thing or some way or some person. Many others look around and believe in what some significant others believe in. And still others believe in what these “second hand believers” attest to. Not ideal, perhaps, but that’s the world I created.

The point of this is that, in your culture, it is risky to believe in, expect, and describe many manifestations of Me, the Holy Spirit. There is a risk, of course, in over-attributing to Me within the experiences of life. You find all of your cows or all of your chickens, when you suspected some were lost… and you thank Me for this intervention. Perhaps I had nothing to do with this. Shouldn’t you reserve acknowledging My influence to situations of real substance?

No… and I’ll state it clearly and firmly. I would prefer that you attributed more to Me than I merit rather than less. The risk of experiencing Me “too often” is preferable to the risk of missing My overtures to you. I can come in small, insignificant ways. I can simply be part of any experience, most of which is physical… or social… or…

You remember over many years the observation that Indian holy men… who have reached enlightenment… see Me in every person, every event, every happening. I have told you that this is one of the results of true enlightenment, but you are not to “fake it”. Be honest about the maturity of your own spirit. It can truly experience only in proportion to its development.

However, development comes partly in the exercise of spirit in feeling for My presence and action in more and more of life’s situations. Do you believe and acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is within you and experiencing with you… and that I, the Spirit also am external to you as well? Acknowledging is the first step. The final one is actually experiencing My active presence in life activities.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 20, 1981, 7:18 AM

The presentation by Duane last night having to do with the Holy Spirit was careful, tentative, cautious, and pretty academic in relation to Me. You did not feel led, and I did not urge you, to share your personal experience. A time may come, even in these Saturday evenings, to do so… but not last night. In relation to many things and actions there is a certain conflict, and this is certainly true concerning Me. Much can be written about theories of Spirit… even about the experiences of Jacob and other . . .

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